Thursday, December 15, 2016

Survivor Season 33 Finale

Wow. Wow. Wow.
What a finale!!
I wish I had more time to write about it. My head is still buzzing. What a thrilling night that was for me as a David fan - at least until the final tribal council. He got SO close! He should have won. He did more than enough to earn the title of sole survivor. He won challenges. He found hidden immunity idols. He made big plays. He was the mastermind this season, especially after the merge. He even created a fake idol that fooled Jay and led to his torch being snuffed.

While I definitely understand why Ken blindsided David, I don't admire him for it. I know he had to do it because he could not have beaten David. But he and David had been so loyal to each other. I wanted to see him stay true to his word all the way to the end. I really thought he was going to. David really thought he was going to. I was heartbroken when he didn't.

After David was voted out, I didn't care anymore about the outcome. The game became rather meaningless, which was disappointing when the rest of the episode had been so epic. The final three were all flawed for me. Ken lost my faith in him. Hannah came on strong at the end but was still a team player rather than a leader. And Adam - I don't know. He won a few challenges. He found hidden immunity idols. But I didn't like the way he badgered Hannah in the final tribal council, and tried to take credit for the moves that she made. I was proud of her for standing her ground and fighting for recognition. The nagging question that I'm left with is, did Adam win unanimously based on his game, or because he told everyone that his mom had cancer? Of the three, I would say that Adam did enough to win, as did Ken, but not Hannah. Still, I think it should have been either David or Jay that got the title. But you can't win if you don't make it to the final tribal council.

The season wasn't perfect for me. The FigTales romance was annoying. But I absolutely loved all the personal growth that happened this season. Hannah's metamorphosis was almost as inspiring as David's for me. And even though they weren't my favorite players, I enjoyed watching the transformations of Zeke and Bret as well. More than any other season of Survivor, the show changed people.

I didn't get my Cochran moment this time. I didn't get to rejoice in the stunning, unlikely win of someone that everyone counted out in the beginning. But as David said, he didn't win the game, but he came so far and changed so much that he felt like he won. So in a way, I did get my Cochran moment again. Usually you don't remember who almost won a reality show. But I think David will be remembered. I celebrate all of his accomplishments. And I thank all of these contestants - David, Hannah, Zeke, Bret - for being examples and showing the audience that you can change your life. You can become the person you want to be.    


Friday, December 02, 2016

Survivor Season 33 11/30 Episode

Whew! David survived another week! He wasn't in as much danger as I expected. The Jay/Zeke/Sunday/Bret alliance mentioned needing to get him out, but they didn't go for it.

The reward challenge was the obligatory loved ones cry fest, made all the more poignant when Adam's brother appeared to bring him news about his ailing mom. None of the contestants know what Adam is going through, but I was so happy when Jay picked Adam, along with Sunday, Will, and their loved ones, to join him on the reward so Adam and his brother could have some time together.

David kept up with the majority of the other survivors on the reward challenge, but he was the first one to drop during the immunity challenge. That immediately made me nervous. But the David/Adam/Ken/Hannah alliance received the life-saving gift of Will flipping to their side to vote out Zeke. Adam played his hidden immunity idol to ensure Hannah's safety, just in case Will decided not to flip.

I like Zeke; I wish he had been in David's alliance. I thought his exit was super classy, telling everyone that it had been an honor to play the game with them.

I don't understand why the Zeke alliance targeted Hannah again, rather than a stronger player. But I'll take it. It remains to be seen whether Will stays with the David alliance, or if he flips back to Jay, Bret, and Sunday.


My current attempt at a sugar regiment

Here are the personal guidelines I'm trying to follow when it comes to sugar:
1) One sugary beverage per day, and by "sugary," I mean Gatorade or apple juice, not soda. For the rest of the day I drink water or milk.
2) One sugary food per day, and by "sugary," I mean food that is relatively healthy. Examples would be light yogurt, fruit bars, or low sugar cookies. The cookies have 9 grams of sugar per serving, and are made with fruit and date sugars, although they also have chocolate chips in them. I'm also drinking the no sugar protein shakes again, made with chocolate pea powder (sweetened with stevia) and milk.
3) Avoiding high fructose corn syrup if at all possible. Animal crackers would usually be a lower sugar option that I would allow myself, but I checked the ingredients, and the kind I buy contains high fructose corn syrup. So no animal crackers. :(
4) I do not add sugar to anything. I used to like strawberries dipped in sugar, but no more. If I drink tea, I sweeten it with honey.
5) Instead of eating raisin bran cereal, I buy a low sugar variety of bran flakes and add raisins. You can actually see the sugar on the flakes in raisin bran cereal.
6) I am doing my very best to avoid the donuts, candy, and other treats that people bring to work.
7) Having said all this, I will allow myself to cheat for special occasions - a slice of cake or a cupcake for birthdays, pie at Thanksgiving, my mother's cookies for the holidays and Valentine's Day, etc. It sounds like a lot of cheating, but I hope it won't be.

Is it even worth it to make these changes if I cheat sometimes? I guess any move toward healthier eating is better than no changes at all. I wish I could say I was giving up sugar entirely, but I'm not there yet, and honestly, I doubt I ever will be.   

So why am I doing this? Well, in general, sugar isn't good for you. It's bad for your teeth. It gives you a rush and then you crash. If I eat something sugary without pairing it with a protein like milk, I can get shaky. I'm also reading about the possible link between sugar and metastatic breast cancer. That really has me freaked out. The problem is, I'm already at a higher risk for breast cancer. I take birth control pills, and my doctor wants me on hormone replacement therapy when I reach menopause. And I have dense breast tissue. So is cutting down on sugar actually going to reduce my risk? I plan to talk to my doctor in January. In the meantime, cutting down on sugar couldn't hurt. Tamping down my worrying couldn't hurt either. :)


Thursday, December 01, 2016

I finally believe in this

I have been on this earth for nearly half a century (!) and I can finally state that I believe in the saying on this shirt. It has been quite a journey to self-acceptance. And yes, there are still days when I'm not so accepting. But overall, I think I'm pretty much there. And it feels good. It feels freeing. But with the current state of the world, especially in America, I worry that being different is not going to be celebrated. In fact, I know it isn't. Being different leaves you much more vulnerable to ridicule, to possible physical and verbal attack. And that is so depressing. Uniqueness should be lauded, not shamed. Different is interesting, fascinating. We learn from people who are different from ourselves. That is how we all grow.

Variety is the spice of life.
Diversity should be the goal.


Survivor Season 33

I'm writing about last week's two hour episode, or two episodes back-to-back - however you want to view it. I haven't seen last night's episode, so David could be out. But he had a VERY big night last week.

In the first reward challenge, David said he would sit out since it was a team challenge that involved swimming, and he didn't want to be the player that lost the challenge for his team. He got quite emotional, but all the contestants encouraged him to play, and do the best he could. It was a wonderful display of good sportsmanship. David did play, and even though his team lost, it wasn't because David slowed them down in his athletic attempt. He was one of the puzzle solvers, so one could say that he contributed to the loss on that basis. But it wasn't because of his swimming ability, or some other physical aspect of the challenge.

The immunity challenge in the first episode was a grueling endurance challenge, and David won! I teared up watching everyone cheer for him; some of the contestants even gave him a standing ovation. As Jeff was putting the immunity necklace around him, and asked him how he was feeling, David said this, "I'm just trying to, like, tamper down that voice in my head that says 'I can't,' and start listening to a voice that says, 'I can.'"

David is me, and I am David. And that is why I am rooting for him this season. David is my Cochran this season. Does that mean David will win? It's too soon to tell. There is still a lot more game to go. But if he keeps making big moves, and manages to win some challenges and/or advantages - maybe. Not only did he win immunity in this episode, he was also instrumental in getting Chris out. Chris was the person that he wanted eliminated, and he made it happen.

But trouble has started looming on the horizon for David. In the second episode, he was able to partake in the reward challenge simply because he drew the correct rock. He did not have to compete. That was great for him of course, but any time a contestant gets something for free on Survivor, resentment can start to fester.

And then came the Tribal Council. David wanted Zeke out. But he was tipped off that the other side was gunning for Ken. Ken is one of David's biggest alliance members. So David used his hidden immunity idol to guarantee Ken's safety. Unfortunately, Ken turned out not to be the target. It was Hannah. After two deadlocked voting rounds, the contestants were forced to draw rocks. Poor Jessica drew the bad rock and was eliminated from the competition. This outcome could have devastating consequences for David. The members of his alliance could blame him for his decision to save Ken. Hannah will likely be very angry, since she was the one that was almost voted out. When she saw her name on the card, she turned to David and said accusingly, "You should have used it on me!" Hannah was already wavering between aligning with Zeke and pledging allegiance to David. What happened at that Tribal Council could cause her to flip back to Zeke. Which would mean, of course, that David would be out two alliance members: Jessica and Hannah. That would be a disaster.  So time will tell if David can survive this troubling turn of events.

Even if it turns out that David was eliminated last night, I hope he will feel very proud of the game that he has played. Like Cochran, David shows that you don't have to have athletic prowess to win Survivor. It is a physical game, but the mental play, the strategy, plus the ability to form alliances and succeed at the social game are even more important aspects. 



Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Finale Results Show

I am SO happy I was wrong!
Laurie Hernandez is crowned the champion of Season 23 of Dancing with the Stars!
I am SO thrilled for her and Val!

The results show was just okay for me. I know I'm in the minority, but I didn't enjoy the Christmas theme. I missed not having a Dance Center segment. But I loved Maureen McCormick's super fan dance, the all male routine, Vanilla Ice singing and dancing to his own hit, and I always get a kick out of the rehearsal footage.

When it came to the fusion dances, I thought James had the easiest routine; the viennese waltz and foxtrot are two of his wheelhouse dances. Calvin had the toughest routine; the jive is hard for him because of problems with his feet, and the quickstep is one of the most challenging ballroom types. I was sad to see Calvin and Lindsay get eliminated, but I think America got it right to have James and Laurie as the final two.

I must admit that this was not one of my favorite seasons; I thought the level of dance ability was lower than  previous seasons. But I still adore the show. I was not happy to have Rick Perry and Ryan Lochte as contestants, but I don't see myself ever boycotting the show. I love watching people grow and learn and become dancers. I love seeing super fans live out their dreams, and others conquer their fears of dancing in such a public forum. I believe that the cast becomes a family every season, and they wish success for each other, even though it's a competition. I love Tom and Erin - their humor, and the care and compassion they have for the professional dancers and the celebrities as they journey through the season together. I even love cranky Len and wild Bruno. :)

I simply love watching people dance.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Finale Part 2

Round Two: Freestyle!

Jana / Gleb
The freestyle dances are often about big production numbers / lots of theatrics, but Jana and Gleb had more than enough sparks with just the two of them. It was a passionate, beautiful, emotional routine, and it was like a metaphor for Jana's life - She was bound, and now she's free. They should be proud of that dance. It was poetry in motion. The lifts were wonderful too.
I saw Gleb's stumble on the replay, but not during the performance. I feel bad that they were so disappointed. It was a gorgeous dance. One stumble did not mar the routine.
Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9

Calvin / Lindsay
Mr. Happy!
How fun was that!
Easily the most personality that we've seen from Calvin all season. This was a big production freestyle routine, and it was a joy to watch. It had all the elements that I want in a freestyle: great dancing, exciting lifts and tricks, personality, innovative aspects (the conveyor belt / subway platform was way cool)
Touchdown Megatron!
I also loved how Calvin was front and center during 95% of the routine. He was the star, as he should be!
Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10

Laurie / Val
I'll just throw out a bunch of adjectives:
high energy
It played like part of a Broadway musical to me. I thought it was wonderful.  My only criticism is that there wasn't as much actual dancing as I think there should be in a freestyle. There was a lot of running around, going down a slide, spinning on a merry-go-round, some gymnastic moves. But it was a little short on actual dancing, and I'm surprised that the judges didn't mention that. I'm glad they didn't, and maybe they wouldn't agree with me. But I would think Len especially would say that it was slightly thin on content.
Bruno: "spirit of youth"
Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10

James / Sharna
In nearly every season of Dancing with the Stars, the best freestyle routine usually results in the capture of the mirrorball trophy, regardless of front runner status. The judges have adored James all season. Julianne calls him the best male dancer ever on this show. I think James is very good, but not the best male ever, and not the front runner this season. I think that Laurie deserves to win season 23. But based on this freestyle, I think that James will win. It was a very powerful, emotional routine with a lot of content that played to James' strengths.
Julianne: "you outdo yourself every week"
Bruno: "visual poetry" "unforgettable"
Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10

Jana and Gleb were eliminated :(
They were a wonderful couple with amazing chemistry, but she doesn't have the fan base that the other contestants have. Some people don't know her well; her blog posts have rubbed some people the wrong way. This should be about her dance ability, not her as a person. But we also have to realize how much improved Calvin is. He has earned his Top 3 spot. It's always tough to come in 4th.

I did not vote, and I regret that. Obviously I have a favorite, and I should have done what I could to see that she wins. But anyway, it has been a good season. Good luck to Laurie, James, and Calvin!


Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Finale Part 1

I can't believe the season is almost over! Didn't I say that last week too?

Round One: Redemption Dances

Calvin / Lindsay
Viennese Waltz
Calvin has come so far! It was a beautiful dance, but at times I felt there was a pause between transitions - there should have been more of a constant flow to the dance. It felt like they were being a little careful after last week's out of control first dance.
Len: "most improved dancer this season (I agree!)
Carrie Ann cited them for a lift!
Scores: 8, 9, 9, 9 (They did not deserve an 8 for that dance!)

Jana / Gleb
The lasers were cool but very distracting. It was hard for me to tell if they made any mistakes. I thought I saw a lift (and I was right!) It was a good routine, but unfortunately not especially memorable for me.
Julianne: "took a long time to get off the platform" (I agree)
Len doesn't agree with Carrie Ann taking off points for unintentional lifts.
Scores: 8, 9, 9, 9 (What the hell, Carrie Ann?) 

Laurie / Val
Paso Doble
Wow! That was one fierce paso!
Speed, precision, crisp, sharp, passionate - They were both on fire!
Laurie is in it to win it!
And then she grinned and jumped and down like a little girl after. She is 16, after all.
Val wanted her to look like a professional dancer. She did!
I loved it!
Scores: 9, 10, 9, 10 (9's? Really?)

James / Sharna
Yeah, the best male dancer ever on the show with questionable hip action? Mmmm...
Anyway, a girl with the moniker of "librarianintx" did like the library theme of this dance. The foxtrot really suits James, and this was a quirky, engaging routine. It took them awhile to start dancing, and I think I saw a slip, but overall it was a solid performance.
There was a slip. But Julianne said it was still the perfect foxtrot. (Okay....)
Scores: 9, 9, 9, 10 (It was the perfect foxtrot, but Julianne gave him a 9. Bruno gave him a 10)

End of Part 1



Sounds crazy, but I am 48 years old, and I have never used a port-a-potty - until about three weeks ago. It's also pretty crazy that I'm writing about it. :) But I think it shows that I've led a rather sheltered life. I haven't been to events and activities where I would need a port-a-potty.

But three weeks ago I was at the Texas Book Festival. The vendors, author book signings, and refreshments are set up in tents on the Capital grounds and surrounding streets, while the sessions are held in the Capital. I had been visiting the vendor tents. It was raining, and it was a long hike for me to get to the Capital to use the bathroom. So my port-a-potty opportunity had finally arrived. While not exactly a bucket list item, I was rather excited to be using such a facility for the first time. I wish I could say I was a port-a-potty regular user, because that would show that I've had more life experiences. I could say that I've been to many outdoor concerts and other such events.

So how was it? Yeah, you know. It was gross. :) I think it could have been worse; the one I used was fairly clean. I have a fear of getting trapped in bathrooms and other small rooms (because I have before), so I didn't want to lock the door. My friend stood outside the port-a-potty so others would know that it was occupied. The area around the Capital is rather hilly, so I struggled with my balance when I was visiting the tents. The ground wasn't even and flat. So being in the port-a-potty made me feel a bit like I was on a boat, even though it wasn't moving. I didn't enjoy that. But hey, it was an experience. That's what matters. I can now say that I have used a port-a-potty.

What might be next? A mosh pit? A helicopter ride? Probably not.


Megabus etiquette AGAIN

When I took the Megabus back from Houston two weeks ago, I was once again amazed at the behavior of some of the passengers. It was clear to see from the line of people waiting to board the bus that it would be crowded, and likely sold out. Yet people STILL kept their bags piled up on the seat next to them, obviously in an attempt to keep someone from sitting with them. Even when people were complaining to the driver that there were no seats remaining, passengers still acted like the seats were occupied. Only when the driver came down the aisle and said directly to someone, "Is that seat taken?" did they then remove their belongings. C'mon people. Have common courtesy. Why are you making your fellow passengers stress out and have to beg and search for a seat? Would you like to be treated that way? The seat next to you does not belong to you. You did not pay for that seat. And its rude to sit there and watch others struggle to find a seat. It also takes time away from getting on the road and reaching our destination on time. Some people have rides to meet or connecting buses to catch. Your behavior could be making problems for other people. But all you care about is not having someone sitting next to you. It is selfish behavior.


Behavior at an Awards Luncheon

Late last month I attended an awards luncheon for a state organization. The luncheon was held at an older but elegant hotel in Houston near the stadium. Participants paid $35 per ticket, and we dined on steak, asparagus, potatoes, and cheesecake with strawberries for dessert.

I knew I would need to leave the luncheon early because I was giving a presentation between 2 - 2:30 at an organization in another part of the city. So I sat at a table in the back near a door so I could slip out as quietly as possible. The tables seated eight people, and because I was sitting in the rear, it took awhile for people to sit with me. Eventually, there were five other people at my table. They were a mix of state and company employees. All of them looked to be my age or older. So there were no students at my table, no millennials.

Lunch was served after a brief introduction. Then the awards portion of the afternoon began after lunch. I was disappointed and dismayed to see that as soon as the presentations began, every single person at my table took out their phone. Even though we had been reminded at the beginning of the luncheon to please turn off our cells, or at least put them on vibrate, everyone had their phones in their hands during the entire award ceremony. I can understand maybe taking a look a time or two during the approximately 90 minute presentation. Perhaps they needed to look for an e-mail from work, or a text from a family member. Maybe a doctor's office or pharmacy was supposed to leave a message. But to be scrolling through Facebook during an awards luncheon? I thought it was rude. I guess sitting in the back of the room meant they didn't have to be polite and attentive to what was occurring on stage. Don't get me wrong. I am not exaggerating when I say that I love my phone. I use it a lot. I carry it around with me even at home. But I can put it down when I need to. The people who were recognized at this awards luncheon worked for hard for the accolades they received, and all we had to do as guests was enjoy a nice meal and celebrate their accomplishments. Some of the speeches were very inspiring. I feel sorry for the people at my table who couldn't bother to pay attention. 


Survivor Season 33

Last week Taylor gave us a master class on how to lose Survivor:

Step 1: Enter into an annoying showmance.
Step 2: Make a half-hearted and ultimately failed attempt to hide said showmance.
Step 3: Steal food from the tribe.
Step 4: Tell someone that you stole food from the tribe.
Step 5: Announce to everyone at Tribal Council that you stole food from the tribe.
Step 6: Try to make someone look worse than you at Tribal Council.

He lost the game, and he lost the girl. But he'll always have the memories.

Bye Taylor!


Monday, November 21, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Semi-Finals Part 2

Round Two: Trios!
The trios round is one of my favorite parts of Dancing with the Stars!!

James / Sharna / Jenna
It was a no-brainer that James and Sharna would ask Jenna to join them. Jenna has already filled in for Sharna this season. The women's outfits were very distracting. I thought it was a good jive, but not as strong or entertaining as the jive that Donald Driver, Peta, and Karina danced a few seasons ago. This trio didn't have as much as speed, and they didn't cover as much of the floor because the car took up so much space. It was a cool concept, but I think it ended up hampering the dance. The judges loved the routine, of course.
Julianne: "That is one hot pit crew!"
Scores: 10, 10, 10

Terra / Sasha / Artem
A Sasha and Artem sandwich? Yes, please, says Terra! (tm Erin). This was as fast a tango as Terra's legs could manage. It was a sexy dance, but to be picky for a moment, I thought Terra's outfit was too conservative and the color was rather drab. But she was working it, and the choreography was tight.
Julianne: "This girl is on fire!"
Scores: 10, 10, 10 (!!)

Jana / Gleb / Alan
Paso Doble
Again, a no-brainer for Jana and Gleb to choose Alan. What a lucky lady to be dancing with those two hunks! The beginning and end of the routine were especially cool, with the animated / CGI tree branches in the background. Jana had a fierce paso scowl on her face during the entire performance, and her moves were fiery too. Great job!
Scores: 10, 10, 10

Calvin / Lindsay / Whitney
OF COURSE Lindsay chose Whitney. She always chooses Whitney for the trio round. As the saying goes, "If it's not broke, don't fix it!"
Great music, plenty of salsa content, neon green costumes, and Lindsay was right - amazeball tricks that we've never seen before! That was a ton of fun to watch! Outstanding! The judges lost their minds with glee and admiration, and I understand why!
Tom: "gravity-defying salsa"
Erin: "Megatron and the double-mint twins"
Scores: 10, 10, 10

Laurie / Val / Maks
I loved EVERYTHING about this dance! The song is the go-to samba song for this show, and for "So You Think You Can Dance," but it never gets stale to me. I loved the concept, the humor, the samba content, the samba rolls, the crisp, sharp, fast moves, the costumes going from rather drab, workout blue to fiery, performance red...I loved every second of this routine, and I didn't want it to end! This was my favorite dance of Laurie's since Icon's night, which was another spicy, saucy, Latin routine. There are aren't many dances that I will replay from this season, unfortunately, but this is one of the few! (Calvin's trio dance is another one)
Bruno: "strictly ballroom"
Julianne: "You were a proper Latin dancer"
Scores: 10, 10, 10 (YES!!)

All of the trio dances got perfect scores!!

Terra and Sasha went home. :( I wish they had made it to the finals, but I think Calvin and Lindsay deserve to be there too. Congrats on a terrific season, Terra!

End of Part 2


Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Semi-Finals Part 1

Wow, it's already time for the semi-finals! The season is almost over (sniff! sniff!)

Round One

James / Sharna
Argentine Tango
WOW! Sharna blindfolded for nearly the entire performance?! Holy cow! That takes incredible balance and composure on her part, and massive partnering skills on his part. And it was a hot dance too. That end pose - with James doing a handstand over Sharna - amazing! That definitely leaves a lasting impression of his skills.
Bruno: "Argentine grand prix!"
But Carrie Ann saw a few wobbles.
Scores: 9, 10, 10

Terra / Sasha
Extra dancers for a rumba? Luckily they were only there for the beginning of the routine. It's tough because the rumba is such a sexy dance and there needs to be a lot of contact between the two dancers. I thought they coped very well, and their big hug at the end made me tear up. Terra's hip action was very good. But I was afraid that Carrie Ann would ding them for a lift. She didn't. She just cried. All of the judges praised her hip action.
Julianne: "best dance of the season for you"
Scores: 10, 10, 10 (I'm so excited for them!!)

Jana / Gleb
It was a very cute routine; I loved the pink and white costumes. I thought I saw a few bobbles, mainly on Gleb's part. But I liked how whimsical and fun the dance was. Again, I thought Carrie Ann might accuse them of a lift, but she didn't. Am I seeing lifts that aren't there, or did Carrie Ann not catch them?
Bruno: "proper quickstep"
Scores: 9, 9, 10

Calvin / Lindsay
The beginning of the routine was super hot. The entire dance was very intense, in fact. This was the most passion and fire that I have seen in Calvin all season. I can tell that he wants to make it to the finale. Unfortunately the speed and intensity caused some glaring mistakes. I think Calvin tried to overcompensate by motoring even more, and I got scared for Lindsay a few times. Whew! The routine got out of control.
Bruno: "such power and determination"
Scores: 8, 9, 9 (poor Calvin!)

Laurie / Val
Just breathtaking. Incredible speed, power, and grace too. I got choked up thinking about her grandmother and how hard it's been for Laurie this week. Gorgeous dance. And I absolutely adore Val of course.
Bruno: "flying, guided by an angel...stunning"
Scores: 10, 10, 10

End of Part 1


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Co-worker's offhand comment

I go outside to wait for my ride home when a particular co-worker is taking her afternoon break. If the weather is decent, she likes to take a walk or lay on a blanket on the Capitol grounds. Yesterday, as she passed by me, she said casually, "I sure wish I had your hours."

I work thirty hours a week. I am in the office from 8:30 - 2:30 five days a week. Sounds nice, doesn't it? I get in later and I leave earlier. So great for me. I'm so lucky.

There are so many responses I could have made:

I wish I had your salary.
I wish I had your health.
I wish I had your ability to drive.
I wish I had your level of independence.
I wish you understood the medical reasons why I only work thirty hours per week.
I wish people weren't so damn competitive about everything.
I wish you knew that you have nothing to be envious of. My six hour work day is sometimes as long as a nine hour day when you factor in my transportation situation. I am often in the van before 7 am, and sometimes don't get home until 4 pm. That's something to really be jealous of.

But I didn't say anything. I let her words float around me, and then I shook my head after she walked by. I stood on the sidewalk, trying to keep my balance, wondering when my ride would arrive and how much longer I was going to have to wait. A beautiful monarch flew by, momentarily distracting me from my aches, fatigue, and frustration. When it disappeared from sight, I looked at my phone again and tried to quell my impatience.


Monday, November 14, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Showstoppers Nite Part 2

Round Two: Team Challenge

This time, the couples are paired up and must work together on a routine to earn judges' points. They aren't dancing against each other.

Team Last Man Standing
James / Sharna (Jenna) and Calvin / Lindsay
Paso Doble
The height difference looked a little awkward at first, and I don't think either man has danced a paso yet. I thought the middle of the dance was the best part, with a fabulous cape sequence and a lot of intensity from both contestants. A very solid dance. I think they both performed pretty equally.
Bruno: "Very Westworld"
Scores: 9, 9, 10, 9

Team Cubs
Marilu / Derek and Terra / Sasha
WHY were there so many extra dancers? Blah! The crowded floor of dancers took away from Marilu and Terra, even though they were front and center during the routine. The dance was just so busy; there was so much going on. But a jazz / broadway routine often does throw in everything but the kitchen sink. The performance was good, although at times I didn't think they kept quite up with the fast-paced music. Terra and Marilu both looked great in their outfits. The judges were quite positive about the routine.
Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9

Team Sisters
Laurie / Val and Jana / Gleb
This was a great dance, with lots of passion and fire, and good synchronicity between the two couples. Sometimes I thought it was a little hard to see them due to the lighting and camera angles. But they were fierce. The judges were very impressed.
Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10

I don't know why Jana and Gleb are continually in the bottom two. She is a wonderful dancer and their chemistry is amazing. I guess she's just not popular for whatever reason. But I don't think it has much to do with her dance ability. Dancing with the Stars has always been more of a popularity contest than a dance competition. Luckily, this week the right dancer went home: Marilu. I think she did very well for a woman her age, and I'm glad she made it as far as she did. She should be proud of what she accomplished this season in the ballroom.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Facebook Friends and the Presidential Election

So I just unfollowed someone on Facebook specifically because of the election. I have unfriended one or two people on Facebook in the past, but this is the first time I have unfollowed someone specifically because of the election, or because of politics I should say. I doubt this will the last time. There are two more people that will likely get that treatment soon.

I don't do this lightly. I have been irritated with the person before. But I have always just tried to breathe and scroll post. Today I decided that I don't need to see this person's posts anymore. If I felt what she had to say had any redeeming quality to my life, I would not have unfollowed her. But it seems all this person does on Facebook is complain about her life and rail against Obama and the Democrats. What's the point? I do have some acquaintances, mostly friends from high school, who have a few anti-Democrat posts mixed in with posts about lots of other topics, and those I can usually handle. Because they also post funny memes and dog videos and pictures of exciting moments in their lives. Those are the kinds of things that make Facebook worthwhile to me.

I don't want to unfollow everyone that I disagree with. While it's important to me to surround myself with like-minded people, I also think it can be healthy to have people in your life that you don't always agree with. A civil debate is not a bad thing. And you can learn from people that are different from you. I am a big advocate of that. But when someone just spends his/her day spewing negativity, or complaining about his/her life, then I think it's time to move on. If reading someone's posts constantly makes you feel mad, upset, frustrated - then it's time to move on. So I have.


2016 Presidential Election

The emotions are still so raw; it's hard to organize my thoughts. I am not exaggerating when I say that our worst nightmare has come to fruition. An inexperienced, unprepared, hotheaded, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, lying, serial groper is now the President-elect of the United States. In a few short months he will take over the White House, and with a Republican-led Congress in his pocket, as well as a yet unnamed new conservative Supreme Court justice, he will begin systematically unraveling all of the social and economic gains that the Obama Administration worked so diligently to achieve, as well as safeguards that have been in place for decades to protect the health and welfare of our most vulnerable populations - women, minorities, the LGBT community, people with disabilities, veterans, and immigrants. Even if President Trump is only elected for one four year term, the laws and regulations that he will have the power to put into place during that time will have repercussions for decades. Our children and possibly our children's children will have to live in a society without the Affordable Care Act, Roe V Wade, gay marriage, possibly Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. With his finger on the nuclear button, though, none of us may have to worry about every day stresses like health insurance and making sure we have a place to live and food on the table. 

A Trump Presidency paints a picture of a doomsday scenario that unfortunately is completely probable and realistic. And if you don't believe that, then you are delusional, which apparently about half of the country suffers from. 

As I go through the stages of grief, coming to terms with living a life based on an higher level of fear than I usually experience, I find myself more often in the stage of anger, where I want to determine who is to blame for this situation the entire country now faces. I believe there are several groups that will share the burden of this potential disaster. Number one, poor white people, who somehow believe that a egomaniac businessman who hasn't paid federal income tax in decades and has declared bankruptcy multiple times will somehow have the magic solution to lift them out of poverty. Number two, angry Bernie Sanders Democrats who believe the primary was rigged against their candidate and either refused to vote, or voted for a third party candidate. Number three, Democrats who were so confidant that Hillary would win, possibly in a landslide as some pundits were projecting, that they didn't feel the need to do their civic duty. Number four, Wikileaks and FBI Director Comey, who along with the media made such a scandal over Hillary's e-mails, when Trump's university lawsuits, refusal to release his tax returns, gleeful admittance that he has dodged paying income tax for decades, multiple reports of alleged sexual assault, and constant episodes of outright lying in debates, tweets, and speeches have all been documented but somehow haven't convinced the American public that he is the absolute worst presidential candidate in modern times. And now he is the President-elect. 

So where do we go from here? How does the nation recover from this deep division? I don't see it happening, unfortunately. I think we could have recovered from a McCain presidency. We even could have recovered from a Romney presidency. At least those two men have political experience and would know how to lead, even if I wouldn't agree with their policies. And let's say we get lucky, and Trump is removed from office by impeachment. Our fears and concerns have been alleviated, right? Hardly. Because if we lose President Trump, the only thing we gain is President Pence. Which if you are a woman, or a member of the LGBT community, the term President Pence will make your blood run just as cold as hearing President Trump. Pence may be calmer and less hotheaded, but he is no less dangerous than Trump. 

The only saving grace in all of this for me, and I feel I have to end this post with some kind of light and hope, is the knowledge that there are millions of people in this country who are grieving with me, and even more importantly, are ready and willing to fight any law that goes against our civil liberties and the values that we hold dear as Americans. It will not be easy, but when you are fighting for that which is so meaningful to you, which is the fabric that binds you together in solidarity with like-minded individuals, then you carry on the fight with all that you have within you. 


Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Showstoppers Nite Part 1

It's Broadway nite on Dancing with the Stars, and with Len away from the panel again, Idina Menzel is the guest judge this week!

Round 1: Broadway performances

Marilu / Derek
Samba (Jersey Boys)
She's trying so hard. And there was a lot of Samba content in this routine. She did well, her footwork was really good, but it was a very safe samba. She didn't get down and dirty like you need to with a samba. It was "samba lite." But she did look hot! And the music was great! Hi Mark Ballas! The judges were pleased with her performance. It was great to Marilu and Derek having fun and being more relaxed with each other.
Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9

Calvin / Lindsay
Waltz (Cats)
"Memories" is one of my all-time favorite songs. This dance was gorgeous!! They had tremendous speed and movement across the floor, and Lindsay's choreography fit perfectly with the swell of the music. Calvin is in it to win it! I am very impressed!
Julianne praised his level of commitment.
Carrie Ann said he was a bit off on his musicality. Really?
Scores: 9, 9, 10, 9 (I thought the scores should have been higher)

James / Sharna (Jenna)
Jazz (The Wiz)
Ugh, it felt like a group dance! It wasn't enough about James and Jenna. It was entertaining, but I was annoyed. The judges pointed out a misstep in the beginning of the routine, but they still loved him.
Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9

Terra / Sasha
Charleston (Sweet Charity)
What a great song for her! The song and the dance really showed off her fun, quirky, outgoing, charming personality. Sasha said he had to modify the choreography, and at times the routine seemed to resemble a quickstep. But I thought it was outstanding, with great lifts, high energy, and a ton of pizzazz. I loved her outfit too!
Scores: 10, 10, 9, 9 (yay!!)

Jana / Gleb
Waltz (Waitress)
What a great partnership they have. I'm so glad that Gleb was able to dance this week. This waltz wasn't as grand and sweeping as Calvin and Lindsay's was; they didn't traverse the entire floor. But it was wonderfully lyrical and emotional. It was absolutely lovely. This season is finally turning into a competition!
Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 (I'm so happy for them, but I feel like Calvin and Lindsay deserved 10's also)

Laurie / Val
Cell Block Tango (Chicago)
Wow! I've said it before and I'll say it again: She's only 16?!?! Amazing! Hot, sexy, dangerous gancho kicks, and thank goodness neither one of them slipped or tripped on Val's hat! Excellent dance! I didn't mind the extra dancers because they mostly stayed in the background.
Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 (well-deserved!)

I didn't get to see all of Round 2, so I will have to recap that part later.

End of Part 1

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Halloween Nite Part 2

Part 2: The Dance-Off

Laurie / Val vs Calvin / Lindsay
Laurie and Val had a bit of a rough start, but then they did very well with lots of lifts and tricks. I thought Calvin and Lindsay gave a solid performance, but Laurie and Val's dance was better choreographed and overall better executed.
All three judges voted for Laurie and Val, and so did America. So Laurie and Val received three bonus points.

Jana / Gleb vs Terra / Sasha
Nice strategic move Gleb (ripping his shirt off during the routine.) Jana and Gleb didn't look very spontaneous, but they were sexy and had some original moves. Terra and Sasha had a lot of enthusiasm and energy, but their moves were repetitive.
Carrie Ann voted for Terra and Sasha. Julianne and Bruno voted for Jana and Gleb, and so did America. Three bonus points for Jana and Gleb.

Marilu / Derek vs Ryan / Cheryl
Um...they were both kind of a mess, except Ryan and Cheryl had a good middle section. Did Ryan and Cheryl dance into the desk at one point? Tom said that was his first save. I think they did. Marilu had a bad beginning and never recovered.
Scores: Carrie Ann and Julianne voted for Ryan and Cheryl. Bruno voted for Marilu and Derek. But America voted for Ryan and Cheryl. So Ryan and Cheryl got the three bonus points.


Ryan and Cheryl and Terra and Sasha were the bottom two couples, and Ryan and Cheryl were eliminated. I think it should have been Marilu and Derek. I was surprised they were safe.

Overall it was a good night of dancing, and I enjoyed the Halloween theme more than I thought I would.


Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Halloween Nite Part 1

I am not a Halloween person, so I'll try not to be cranky about this episode. The opening number was very cool, choreographed of course by Mandy Moore.

Len has disappeared again. So one less cranky person tonight. :)

Part 1: Halloween routines (And dancing for immunity!)

Terra / Sasha
Cha Cha (Beetlejuice theme)
An odd choice of song for a cha cha. But Terra and Sasha were super into it, and I think they sold it. Terra's facial expressions were so fun. Very crisp, sharp movements. It took awhile for them to start dancing, but they made the routine very enjoyable to watch. The judges, however, wanted more from them.
Scores: 8, 8, 8

Laurie / Val
Viennese Waltz (Willy Wonka theme)
Magical. The dance was beautiful. Laurie's musicality and acting ability are excellent. I loved Val's choreography. I also loved how emotional he was. There is a very strong connection between these two. For Val, it's paternal. If I were Laurie, as a sixteen year old girl, I would have an overwhelming crush on him. Hell, as a forty-something year old woman...Anyway, I digress. :) It all worked for me, and apparently for everyone in the ballroom as well. SO so so sweet.
Scores: 10, 10, 10 (yay!!)

Marilu / Derek
Argentine Tango (Spider web theme)
Holy spiderweb, Marilu was smokin' hot in that costume! Except for the lighter-colored hair, she could have been Morticia Adams. The tango suits her slower style. I thought the partnering and lifts were good, except for the glaring boo boo of Marilu hitting Derek when she tried to put her arm around him. Was that an unconscious payback for her feeling like he pushed her during the group routine last week? Except for that obvious error, I think this was a successful dance. But something feels off between these two. They don't look comfortable with each other. Derek isn't being his normal goofy self.
Scores: 7, 8, 8

Calvin / Lindsay
Quickstep (Skeleton theme)
Poor Calvin; he must have been soaked with sweat under that heavy costume. He is definitely becoming a contender! I felt like maybe he lost a little steam at the end, but it looked like a great quickstep to me - fast with super footwork. The judges loved it!
Scores: 10, 10, 10 (!)

Ryan / Cheryl
I have held myself back so far from complaining about the extra dancers tonight, but in this routine they were SO distracting! Aargghh! So I'm irritated now. It's like they were deliberately trying to take the focus off of Ryan. His intensity was better, but the tango is not a dance where he can show any independence, which is what the judges wanted to see.
Carrie Ann: "good content, bad posture"
But overall, the judges were happy with this routine.
I might have been more favorable about his dancing if I could have SEEN him more! :(
Scores: 7, 8, 8

Jana / Gleb
Jazz (Little Shop of Horrors theme)
It was a fun, high energy dance with lots of tricks, but at times it looked more like a group routine. So that irritated me. But when it was just Jana and Gleb dancing, it was great, with lots of flips and splits.
Julianne: very Broadway (that was a compliment!)
Bruno: musical comedy (that was also a compliment!)
Scores: 9, 9, 9

James / Sharna (Jenna)
Viennese Waltz (Suicide Squad theme)
Sharna is injured, so James is now partners with Jenna. I thought this was a fantastic dance! He and Jenna had amazing chemistry for a first dance together! And James' partnering skills were excellent. This was a hot, sexy, smoldering Viennese Waltz. WOW! I was very impressed. I have always attributed James' success more to Sharna, but now I see what an accomplished dancer James has become. And Jenna was awesome in this routine too. Laurie and Val stole my heart tonight, but James and Jenna got my pulse racing.
Scores: 10, 10, 10 (!!)

James and Jenna win immunity!

End of part 1

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Great Quote About Purpose

"Look for purpose
For purpose breeds passion
Passion is fully equipped
To overwhelm fear."

-- Roger Teel

I know this to be true. In my job, I do things that make me uncomfortable - public speaking, social interaction, eating with others, travel, sharing a hotel room, etc - because they are all aspects of my job, and the work that I do that is so important to me. I have such a passion for locating information, disseminating information, and helping people, that I deal with the uncomfortable aspects in order to achieve the goals and live the purpose that I feel I was put on this earth to do. I am not brave, but my career, and the purpose within that occupation, makes me braver than I would be otherwise.


Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Eras Nite

Hello dance fans!
It's "Eras Nite"!
And Len's back! So are the team dances! Here we go!

Round 1: Individual Dances

Laurie / Val
60's Quickstep
Val as my prom date? HELL, YES! :)
Extra dancers, ugh! This will not be the only time I write this tonight.
It took them awhile to start dancing, but once they did, they had good energy and lots of fancy footwork. But did the dance have enough quickstep elements? Evidently yes, but Len said she lost technique and Carrie Ann admonished the pair for not one, but two lifts. Why Val? You know Carrie Ann is going to mark y'all down for lifts, so why put them in when they're not allowed. Sigh. I've had this imaginary conversation with Val before; obviously it didn't do any good. :)
Scores: 8, 8, 9, 9

Ryan / Cheryl
90's Rumba
Ryan and Cheryl danced to Arrowsmith's "Don't Wanna Miss a Thing," which is an amazing song. Unfortunately, the dance was just "a'right." I saw more partnering skills, and his hips moved some. It was a sexy dance. But Cheryl still did most of the work. It was obvious that the judges are frustrated with Ryan. They want Ryan to really dance, to work harder at this, to feel and interpret the music. They said he lacks musicality and technique. I agree with whatever judge said that Ryan looks like he's just doing what Cheryl tells him to do. But Len did like the straightforwardness of the dance - meaning no extra dancers or props. I don't mind props, but obviously I agree with Len on the extra dancers.
Scores: 7, 7, 7, 7

Marilu / Derek
20's Charleston
I think this dance suits Marilu because it's quirky and fun, but she was still too slow and tentative for it to be entirely successful for me. I do realize that she is in her 60's, and likely will not be able to dance like someone in their 20's or 30's. But at times I thought she had it. The judges said that she and Derek were out of sync..
Scores: 7, 7, 8, 7

Calvin / Lindsay
50's Jive
Calvin and Lindsay totally sold this dance. It was fun, energetic, good technique, they had big smiles on their faces and their yellow costumes made the dance even brighter. I thought the performance was a little choppy; it didn't flow quite as good as a jive should. The judges loved it, and for the most part I did too, even though there were extra dancers. 
Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9

Maureen / Artem
80's Tango
I love Bon Jovi, The costumes were cheesy. Maureen was not convincing to me as a bad girl, until she was listening to the critiques. She had a big stumble during the routine, and it affected the rest of the dance. Artem said he stepped on her dress. Anyway, it was a mess. I'm sorry, Maureen.
Scores: 7, 7, 7, 7

Terra / Sasha
30's Foxtrot
I thought the dance was lovely, and Terra looked lovely. Good movement, nice flow, good technique, it was very dreamy. I enjoyed it. Bruno said she channeled Jean Harlow. Yes! And Len said, "you put the 'all' in small." Cute, and appropriate!
Scores: 9, 8, 9, 8 (I think the scores should have been all 9's)

Jenna / Gleb
70's Samba
Perhaps a touch formulaic, but I loved the music, and they looked like they were having fun. Good samba rolls, which is a tough move to perform. I didn't get the whole laundry concept, but whatever. I thought they were overall quite good. Carrie Ann chastised them for the lifts. Len said there wasn't enough samba content, and Gleb mouthed off at him. Ooohhh! Do we have another rebel in the making?
Scores: 8, 8, 9, 9

James / Sharna
40's Jitterbug
Extra dancers all the way through the routine - ugh!
I actually thought there were too many lifts and tricks, and not enough jitterbug content. Len agreed with me. And some of the tricks didn't go perfectly. But it was entertaining, and the judges were ecstatic, as they usually are about James.
Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9

Round Two: Team Dances

Team Past:
James / Sharna
Calvin / Lindsay
Ryan / Cheryl
Maureen / Artem
Viennese Waltz
This was a beautiful dance! The costumes were gorgeous, and I loved the music (theme from "Outlander.")
The couples looked surprisingly evenly matched. The choreography was simple, but very effective, and the result was an absolutely lovely performance. I agree with Len: this was a proper team dance. Their synchronicity was excellent. The judges loved it, and I did too!
Scores: 10, 9, 9, 10

Team Future:
Laurie / Val
Jana / Gleb
Terra / Sasha
Marilu / Derek
Argentine Tango
The choreography was more difficult in this dance, so the couples struggled more with synchronicity. Unfortunately, Marilu took a tumble at the end of her part. Overall, they did well, but it was a rougher dance, less polished, more adventurous. They took more risks, but in the end they came up short because of the gamble.
Scores: 8, 9, 9, 9

The results were rushed because of time. Maureen and Artem and Jana and Gleb were the bottom two couples. Why were Jana and Gleb in the bottom?!?! They received a perfect score last week! Their dance was sexy as hell! Maureen and Artem were eliminated. It was the right decision based on performance, but I felt so sad to see Maureen's ballroom journey end.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Survivor Season 33 Episode 5

It's hard to keep rooting for David after Wednesday night's episode. I was so happy and proud of him for finding another idol, but then he was so bad in the immunity really really bad. I mean, I understand, I would suck at challenges way worse than him. I don't think you have to do well at challenges to be successful in Survivor. But when you have as much trouble as he did...although he wasn't the only one that had a poor performance on his team. It was a group failure. Unfortunately, getting CeCe out was the right decision if the tribe has any hope of survival, but now that definitely makes David the poorest-performing player in his group. We'll see what happens. Splitting up and mixing the tribes was a good thing for him because his big move last week likely made him an outcast in his tribe. But I doubt there will be three tribes for very long.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Latin Nite Part 2

Jana / Gleb
Argentine Tango
HELLO!! Killer dancing, great song, little clothing, a bed, a lot of water, and CHEMISTRY! As Erin would say, "YES, PLEASE!" Holy, moly! Paige and Mark danced a super sexy argentine tango last season, and this dance was right up there on the caliente meter. To say that dance was H-O-T is an understatement! We all needed a shower after that routine. A standing "O" from the judges and a "Holy Mackerel" from Tom. Yes, it was all that, and a bag of chips. If people don't pick up the phones and vote for that, there is something wrong in the ballroom.
Scores 10, 10, 10, 10
A perfect score, and I bet a lot of people scored after watching that!

Maureen / Artem
Extra dancers - ugh!
It was just okay. Not enough hip action, it wasn't down and dirty, it was a safe, careful, sanitized samba. In other words, it didn't feel like much of a samba. I'm sorry, Maureen. I know how bad you want it, and I want you to do well. I agree with Pitbull. She needed to let go. But the other judges were more positive.
Scores: 8, 7, 8, 8

Calvin / Lindsay
Argentine Tango
WOW! I LOVED the song and the outfits! They looked stunning together! The dance was hot, sexy, with some out-of-this-world lifts! Jana and Gleb aren't the only ones with chemistry, dance fans! Calvin made it look so easy. And the judges all agreed that he looked completely in control of that dance, and in control of Lindsay. It all worked for me. Great technique, steamy, excellent dance!! I thought the scores should have been higher.
Scores: 9, 10, 9, 9

Laurie / Val
Sixteen years old - what? The spicy Latina worked that salsa! She is FIERCE! Great lifts, tricks, hip action, there was a lot of both partnering and solo dancing in that routine. This dance had it all - the sexiness, speed, and excitement that I want in a latin routine. Fantastic! Carrie Ann said she had a mis-step or two. Um, okay. Whatever. I loved it!
Scores: 9, 9, 9, 10

Overall, it was a very strong Latin Nite. There were enough great routines to make it a fun, successful show. I can't say I'm surprised that Amber went home. I wish she had been able to be more comfortable and wow us on the dance floor.


Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Latin Nite Part 1

Hello dance fans!

Not even a presentation at work today, a minor car accident yesterday, or a possibly dead laptop can keep me from one of the biggest nights on DWTS: Latin Night! And Mr. Worldwide is in the house tonight! Let's go!

I have to say, though, that Latin night with this group of contestants scares me. Do most of them know they have hips, and do they know how to shake them?

Ryan / Cheryl
Well, once his shirt came off, his hips started moving fairly well. The blacklight part was cool - Cheryl's cute little outfit lit up, as did Ryan's chest. I thought he was sexier before the pants came off though, because the knee pads made the shorts comical. But anyway, I felt that Cheryl did most of the work in the routine. All the judges except Carrie Ann were more enthused than me.
Scores: 7, 8, 8, 7

Terra / Sasha
Paso Doble
I loved their costumes! They both rocked the purple! And I thought their paso was strong - passionate, fierce. She made her movements as big as she possibly could. Her performance tonight reminded me of when Carrie Ann told her, "You dance beyond your body." However, the judges were not enthusiastic. They said it was not her best dance, which is nice speak for "That really wasn't good." I was afraid she would get all 7's after the critique, but she didn't. She got the same score as Ryan, but his critique was better.
Scores: 7, 8, 8, 7

Amber / Maks
Cha Cha
Well, she definitely had the sex kitten vibe going, and I thought her cha cha was decent, but not great. Len would have complained how long it took for the dance to get going. I still want Amber to be better than this. I have just not seen enough improvement to say that she should still be in the competition. The judges want her to really go for it, and I do too! Let loose, Amber!
Scores: 7, 7, 7, 7

James / Sharna
He doesn't think he had the sexy in him, but he definitely does, and he brought it! That was a much faster rumba that what I'm used to, and I thought one or two of the moves were a little wonky, but overall very good technique, and very sexy and steamy. Julianne thinks he's the best male contestant they've ever had on the show. Mmmmm. Better than Apollo Anton Ono? Better than Gilles Marini? I can't say I agree with her, but he is doing very well in the competition, and giving Laurie a run for her money.
Scores: 10, 9, 9, 10

Marilu / Derek
Cha Cha
She did so well last week, but I feel like she took a step back this week. The dance was just too slow and tentative. The moves were there, but not the speed, and not the freedom that she felt she achieved last week. I was disappointed. But I adored their outfits. And Derek is right - her body is slammin'! The judges were much more enthusiastic.
Scores: 8, 9, 9, 8

End of Part 1

Monday, October 17, 2016

23 Minute Morning Ritual to Improve Happiness

I don't have time for anything extra in the morning. I don't eat breakfast until I get to work. But I like this idea, and maybe I could do it throughout the day instead of first thing in the morning. I know the idea is to do it when you first get up to improve your mood all day. If I didn't hit the snooze button on all three of my alarms for fifteen minutes every work day, I might have time for this. :)

1. Write down three acts of gratitude.

What three new things are you grateful for? Write it down. For long-term effect, Achor says do it for 21 straight days. He says the reason this is so powerful is you're training your mind to scan for positives instead of negatives. This activity is the fastest way to teach optimism. It will significantly improve your optimism even six months later, and raises your success rates significantly.
Time length: 2 minutes.

2. Journal one positive experience.

Write in detail about one positive experience you've had during the past 24 hours. Bullet point each detail you can remember. According to Achor, this allows your brain to relive the experience, which teaches your brain that the positive behavior matters. It works, he says, since the brain can't tell the difference between visualization and actual experience. In essence, you've just doubled the most meaningful experience in your brain. If you do this ritual every morning for 21 days, your brain reprograms with this trajectory of meaning running throughout your life. In fact, research found that patients suffering from chronic pain or disease who did this for six weeks in a row had dropped their pain medication by 50 percent six months later.
Time length: 2 minutes.

3. Exercise.

Even if you hate exercise, Achor says that a short burst of fun cardio activity (think hula hoops, working in the garden, dancing, or a brisk walk with the dog) works wonders. The reason why exercise is so key to your morning routine is that it literally trains your brain to believe "my behavior matters," which then carries (positively) into other activities throughout the day.
Time length: 15 minutes.

4. Meditation.

Breathe and watch your breath go in and out for two minutes. This allows your brain to focus on one thing at a time and be present in the moment. Achor says it will "raise accuracy rates, improve levels of happiness, and drop stress levels." He did this with Google employees with great success.
Time length: 2 minutes.

5. Express kindness through a text or email.

The most important of the five: Write a positive email or text every morning praising or thanking someone you know. And do it for a different person each day. Achor says people who do this become known as positive leaders with strong social connections--the greatest predictor of long-term happiness.
Time length: 2 minutes.

Parting thoughts.

If you're skeptical, rest assured. These techniques were discovered through rigorous research while being linked to the bottom lines of some large companies around the world.
All it takes to get you going every morning is 23 minutes. Some of it you can even do while sitting down over your eggs, toast, and coffee.
By doing these activities every morning, you're training your brain to be positive for the rest of the day. Your brain will release dopamine and create a positive mindset for the long term.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Survivor Season 33 Episodes 3 and 4

Wow, David is making some big moves! Last week he found an immunity idol, and he was instrumental in voting out Paul, the un-elected leader of the group. Last week's episode had more strategy and only one challenge, because members of each tribe were selected to have a meet and greet in place of a challenge. This week, however, there were separate reward and immunity challenges. Both were quite exciting, especially the first one. In the first, four contestants at a time (two from each tribe) were battling in the water for control of a swim ring. The first survivor to touch a pole while holding the swim ring won a point for their team. The team with three points won the challenge. David earned the first point for Gen X, and his team would eventually win the challenge, but it was very close. He almost scored the winning point too, but not quite. The reward was wonderful - steaks, sausages, veges, and spices, but we didn't get to see much footage from the feast, which was disappointing.

The immunity challenge involved contestants pulling one of their own up in the air on a swing to retrieve puzzle pieces hanging on lines. Each survivor could only collect ten pieces at a time, so there were three trips up and down. The strategy was to select thin people to get on the swing, so they could be hoisted up faster. So that meant David was a swinger for Gen X. :) He was also the main puzzle solver, but unfortunately he couldn't figure it out, and the Millennials won that challenge.

Before tribal council, Lucy had appointed herself the new "dictator" of Gen X, and David wanted her out. But Lucy found out that her tribe was trying to snuff out her torch. So then Jessica's name came up. David flirted with the idea of using his immunity necklace to save Jessica. In the end, he did it, and he was successful. Jessica would have been voted out. But instead Lucy took the long walk out of the game, even though she only had two votes against her: David and CeCe. Jessica had voted for CeCe.

David is making the most of his time on Survivor. He is trying his hardest in the challenges, with some success, and he is making bold moves to eliminate strong players. Unfortunately, using his necklace to save Jessica will likely hurt him, as most of the tribe was voting to oust her. Maybe he can build some new bridges. I hope so. But even if he's eliminated soon, at least he had the chutzpah to play the game fiercely.  

On the Millennials tribe, Adam found the hidden immunity necklace. He cried when he found it, saying he was dedicating it to his mother, who is battling stage 4 lung cancer. How excruciating that must be, to be so far away from her and cut off from any news on how she is doing. I hope he doesn't get bad news during the season.

There is no way I could ever be on Survivor. I am too pale, too skinny, too sensitive physically and emotionally, and I hate coconut anything. :) And there's also no way I could handle weeks away from my family with no contact. I would lose my mind with worry and "what if's."


Monday, October 10, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Most Memorable Year Part 2

Marilu / Derek
Viennese Waltz
Her most memorable year was losing her mother in the same month that she started on the hit show "Taxi."
Like Maureen, Marilu looked beautiful and radiant in this dance. I loved how the dance exploded when the music swelled, and they started sweeping across the floor. Like Maureen, I think this was Marilu's best dance. It was so so lovely. She had a very good frame. But I know that Carrie Ann will mark them down because her feet came off the floor in that last big turn. Like, she was off the floor the entire time. The group hug was precious. And wow, Carrie Ann didn't mention the lift! Shocking! The judges just loved it. I'm very happy for her.
Scores: 9, 9, 9

Amber / Maks
Amber's most memorable year was when her son was born. The package included a fight between her and Maks and a lot of insecurity and frustration. And then came the dance. Sigh. Extra dancers. And Amber was so tight and straight and tentative. You have to get down and dirty if you're dancing the samba, and she didn't do it. At times it looked like she was testing bath water, or tip toeing through wet grass. I don't understand. Amber has all the assets to be a successful dancer. Something keeps holding her back. She was slightly better last week, but slid back again this week. I'm frustrated. The judges were not as hard as her as I am.
Scores: 8, 8, 8

James / Sharna
James' most memorable year was when he survived a terrible crash last year. He almost died. His injury is usually not survivable. Oh my goodness. And jeez with the blinding lights AGAIN! I thought this was a very strong tango. Good speed, good frame, good movement across the floor. I didn't enjoy it as much as I did other dances tonight, but it was a solid performance. The judges were very enthusiastic. Carrie Ann actually called him "the one to beat." And Julianne said his frame is the best she has ever seen on the show. Very high praise.
Scores: 10, 9, 10

Terra / Sasha
Her most memorable year was 2013, when her father passed away of a heart attack after a liver transplant. The dance was incredible - very fast spins, a beautiful lift with Terra standing on Sasha's knees and then bending forward, Terra running into his arms - just gorgeous. And the song was perfect - "Stand By Me." Everything worked in this dance. It was exciting, it was uplifting, it was meaningful, it was electric. I absolutely loved it. The judges did too. Tom mentioned the chemistry and the connection between her and Sasha.
Scores: 9, 9, 9

What an awesome show!! And no elimination tonight - yipee!! AND no more Tuesday night filler show! The good news just keeps on comin'!
Good night dance fans!

End of part 2


Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Most Memorable Year Part 1

Gorgeous opening, choreographed by Mandy Moore!
I'm hoping not to be cranky like I was last week. I don't think I will be. I love "Most Memorable Year" night.

Maureen / Artem
Marcia Marcia Marcia had a cocaine habit?!?! Actually, I knew that; I read her book.
Maureen looks beautiful tonight! And I thought her foxtrot was absolutely lovely. She radiated joy through the entire dance. It took awhile for them to cover the entire floor, but they finally did. I loved it. Maureen is a dancer, and she could not be more excited! The judges loved it too. That was so incredibly sweet. How cute to see Maureen, her husband, and Artem holding each other as they heard the scores.
Scores: 8, 8, 8

No cranky pants yet!

Calvin / Lindsay
Calvin's most memorable year was when he broke Jerry Rice's record. Jerry Rice - a DWTS alum.
I spoke too soon about the no cranky pants. Extra dancers - ugh! This was not a Grease re-interpretation. Why were they there! And what's up with the super bright lights. I felt temporarily blinded during Maureen's dance too. Anyway, it took awhile for Calvin and Lindsay to get into dance, but once they did, it was quite strong, with some daring lifts. Calvin is so tall; it looked like Lindsay could touch the ceiling on that first lift. I love the song too. So overall the dance gets a thumbs up from me, extra dancers and all. And hello Jerry Rice! He is so fun! Calvin didn't know that Jerry was going to throw him the ball; it was a surprise for him!
The judges were enthusiastic, but said they think he can do even more.
Scores: 8, 8, 8

Jana / Gleb
Her most memorable year is this year, when she gave birth to her daughter. But she also talks about an abusive relationship that resulted in an attempted murder charge - he tried to kill her. Whoa.
The dance was BEAUTIFUL! Lovely lifts, and what incredible trust Jana had to have in Gleb to take that fall into his arms. That move actually made me gasp. They have such a strong connection. I love watching them dance. Julianne's comments about perseverance made me tear up too.
Scores: 9, 8, 9

Latin Nite next week! Yes!!

My mom and I went to the tour last December, and we absolutely loved it! I will be investigating tickets after the episode.

Ryan / Cheryl
His most memorable year was when he won his first gold medal. No surprise there. He dedicated the dance to his mom. Sweet.
It was a very dramatic dance, and between the moves and the lyrics of the song, it made me think about the extreme highs and lows that Ryan experienced at the summer Olympics. The lifts were spectacular, especially the one that ended with Cheryl doing a slow back bend. That move also drew a gasp from me. They looked super sexy too; Ryan's physique looked very good in a sheer, open shirt. I have to say, these contestants are bringing their "A" games tonight! I'm still conflicted about Ryan the person. But I was impressed with Ryan the dancer. The judges were impressed with both his dancing and his vulnerability.
Scores: 8, 8, 8

Laurie / Val
Paso Doble
Laurie's most memorable year is this year of course, when she won individual and team medals at the Olympics.
The beginning was very un-Paso, but once she escaped from the box, the rest of the dance was all paso. And wow, wow, wow. She looked so professional and mature out there. The speed was incredible. I thought I saw a slight bobble at one point, but otherwise, damn near perfect. I am so impressed. She is with a doubt the front runner. And I absolutely love Val's choreography. But man, the production team needs to do something about that bright light. I got blinded again. Bruno called her "a force of nature," but he did point out that she had some mistakes. Carrie Ann didn't like the opening; she felt it was unnecessary. Julianne disagreed with Carrie Ann. I liked the fire and the passion in the opening, but I agree that it didn't seem to fit with the rest of the dance.
Scores: 8. 9. 8

End of Part 1


Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Cirque du Soleil Night Part 2

This is why I need to blog DURING the episode. If I wait until later, I get busy, and sometimes the recap doesn't get written. I'm doing better so far this season, and I want to keep it up.

Ryan / Cheryl
Viennese Waltz
So it was kinda boring, and then it was very distracting with the umbrellas. He danced well, I think; I just wasn't blown away. But the judges kind of were. They said it was his best dance.
Scores: 7, 7, 8

Babyface / Allison
Well, I love the song, so that helped. The spotlight effect was cool. But the camera was so far at times; it was hard to see the dancers. I'm just not impressed with anyone so far tonight. Evidently, the dance was really bad; there were a lot of mistakes. I'm off tonight too.
Scores: 6, 6, 6

Tara / Sasha
I thought the opening was fantastic! Tara was shaking her booty and she looked very sexy! By the end though, Sasha looked like he was moving too fast for her, and almost dragging her along. But overall, I thought it was a good samba. I'm happy that she's doing well.
Carrie Ann said "You dance beyond your body."
Scores: 9, 8, 8

Laurie / Val
I loved everything about it!!
I was a teenager during the first decade of MTV. I remember when Madonna, Michael Jackson, Prince, and metal bands ruled the station. I remember this song and the video - Michael trying to get the hot girl, the sex appeal, the swagger, the humor. This was an outstanding re-interpretation. The extra dancers were not a distraction; they enhanced the performance, and you know I rarely say that. But it all worked here. And it worked because even though there was a group of professional male dancers on the floor, Laurie was front and center, and all eyes were on her. I loved her look, her hair, her sexy fuscia dress, everything. She was fierce!! I completely agree with Bruno: she was the perfect mix of Debbie Allen, Janet Jackson, and Paula Abdul. SHE KILLED IT! And of course Val was far hotter than Michael Jackson could have ever hoped to be, although I'm sure there are people who would disagree with me on that. Michael Jackson invented the moves, but Val has the looks and the body to go with the moves. Anyway, far and away my favorite dance of the season so far.
The first perfect score of the season! Completely deserved!

Vanilla Ice / Whitney
Viennese Waltz
The acrobats were distracting, but I thought it was a solid performance. I can tell he is really working at this and doing his best.
Carrie Ann said he is improved at all levels.
Scores: 8, 7, 8

James / Sharna
I was so busy being irritated that the judges overlooked his time out of hold that I didn't pay enough attention to the dance. Why is Carrie Ann so strict on no lifts but doesn't mark him down for too much time out of hold? None of the judges mentioned that, but I bet Len would have if he had been there. Evidently the dance was good because he earned the second highest score of the night.
Scores: 9, 9, 10

I was sad to see Babyface and Vanilla Ice leave. Babyface had the worst dance of the night, but I don't feel that he is the least successful dancer still in the competition. Same with Vanilla Ice.


Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Cirque du Soleil Night Part 1

Real life intervened last night, and I've only watched half the show so far. Be forwarned, dance fans, I DID NOT like the concept of this show, and it has made me cranky. Even before the episode aired, I was concerned about this. I thought the contestants would be doing some of the acrobatic work, and I didn't feel that these stars were ready for that level of skill on week 3. I hate to say this, but I feel this is one of the weakest casts in years, so I was especially worried.

So I am relieved that the contestants are not involved in that aspect of the production. But at the same time, I have to say, "Then what's the point?" For me, the Cirque du Soleil performers were only a distraction. They did not enhance the dances. And I found it unfair that some performances had the acrobats front and center with the dancers, while some were hardly noticeable at all. I enjoyed the routines where the acrobats were barely there, but that was me. I'm sure many people at home watching loved the concept. But it did not work for me.

Moving on to the dances...

Calvin / Lindsay
The height difference made it easy for Calvin to sling Lindsay around. The acrobats in the background were distracting (that phrase will be repeated in my recap, so prepare yourselves), but otherwise it was a fun, energetic dance. I didn't understand Carrie Ann's comment, however. Lifts aren't usually allowed in the Charleston? I didn't know that. If not, why did Lindsay put in like fourteen of them? Seriously, the dance was mostly tricks. So I'm baffled by that.
Scores: 8, 7, 8

Maureen / Artem
Argentine Tango
Again, the acrobats are so distracting! I thought their tango was adequate. Just okay, not great. Not enough body contact. Not enough wow factor. It's a tough dance, and Maureen is struggling. But the judges liked it better than I did. And I'm glad for that, because I like Maureen. I love how important this show is to her, and how much she wants to succeed at being a dancer.
Scores: 8, 8, 8

Jana / Gleb
Umm...were there Cirque dancers in this routine? I swear, I didn't see them. During the practice sessions, there was footage of acrobats flying off a trampoline; did that happen? See - inconsistencies. Unfair, in my opinion. But I actually enjoyed this dance because there were no distractions. Jana and Gleb have such great chemistry, and this dance had lovely rise and fall, and sweeping movement around the stage. I liked the costumes too.

Marilu / Derek
Paso Doble
The Cirque dancers were very prominent in this dance, and with them twirling around the stage and throwing red flags in all directions, I couldn't see what Marilu and Derek were doing half the time. When I could see them, Derek was doing most of the work. Marilu looked nervous and tentative. I believe she can do better than this. She has a great body and natural dance ability. I think she and Maureen both want to succeed so badly that they're trying too hard.
Scores: 7 , 7, 7

Amber / Maks
Argentine Tango
Okay, THERE is the sex appeal that I've been waiting for! There was the chemistry between her and Maks. Definitely this was her best dance so far. But I still think she was too covered up. Long sleeves on that outfit? Why? I just can't help comparing this dance to Mark and Paige's tango from last season. They made that table SWEAT! Paige removed layer after layer of clothes, until at the end she was wearing a little body suit and Mark's button down shirt. That was a smokin' hot routine! This one had some fire, but still needed more. Unfortunately I just don't think Amber has much natural rhythm, or maybe she's just too nervous and Maks hasn't figured out a way to bring it out of her. She has tied with Maureen for highest scores of the night so far, but I have a feeling she will still be in jeopardy.
Scores: 8, 8, 8

End of part 1


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Image related to previous post

I like this image a lot


Great quote on Facebook

My new motto!

There are nights when I get into bed, and as I drift off, I think to myself, "I didn't accomplish much today. I was unproductive at home and at home. I procrastinated, I was unfocused, I wasted the day. I'm not happy. I didn't make good use of my time and talents." The quote above - THIS is how I want to experience every day.


Survivor Season 33 Episode 2

Just a thought or two...

Yea, David made fire!! And he found an immunity idol!! Hot damn! AND he wasn't voted off! But unfortunately, he was by far the weakest player in the challenge. He performed worse than Paul, who had collapsed with dehydration the day before. Paul did well; he even swam out to Jeff to collect the immunity statue after Gen X won the challenge. The idea during the episode was that David would go if Gen X lost, so luckily they didn't lose.

The other bit I wanted to mention - I haven't watched every season of Survivor, but I have seen most of them, and I have never seen anyone take so long to write a name down as Hannah did. Has Jeff ever had to walk over to a contestant to check on them? I think he only took a few steps in her direction, but still. That was pretty funny. I felt bad for her struggle, but that still made me giggle.

Oh, and for whoever said that showmances never last on Survivor - I give you Boston Rob and Amber. They met on Survivor, married, and now have four daughters. I don't know if they are the only Survivor couple to marry, but they are the most famous pair.



Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 "Face Off" Part 3 and Results Show

The last pair was Laurie Hernandez & Val vs Marilu Henner & Derek
My thoughts: Laurie - WOW! Amazing speed, professional level performance, and she looked so mature! She is hands down the favorite to win this competition. Marilu's tango was much slower, but she should still be proud; she danced a proper tango. It was not an even match up, but who can you pair Laurie with this season? No one comes close to her yet, in my opinion, but I think Marilu was the best option at this point.
Scores: Laurie: 7, 8, 8, 8 Carrie Ann graded her down because they did a lift. So frustrating. Doing a lift was obviously Val's decision; he's the professional and the choreographer. But Laurie is given a lower score because of Val. Ugh! Val, you know that lifts aren't allowed in a tango, so why did you put one in? This was not an instance where her feet came off the floor and you could hope that eagle-eyed lift-maniac Carrie Ann wouldn't notice. This was a moment-for-all-to-marvel-at type of lift. When immunity is on the line, you're going to take a chance like that? But I guess you knew that she is good enough and popular enough to be safe. She deserved 8's across the board though. Because Val put in a lift, Laurie was robbed of the high score of the night; that honor went to Calvin Johnson Jr.
Marilu: 7, 7, 7, 7.
No surprise here. Laurie is safe.

I fast forwarded through most of the results show. I'm sorry, I don't have time for filler, and again, this show was mostly a re-hash of Monday night. But I have to say I LOVED Val and Mak's dance! FAN-tastic! And I very happily said "bye bye" to Rick Perry! Sorry you got yet another lemon, Emma!


Monday, September 26, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 "Face Off" Part 2

Terra Jole & Sasha vs Calvin Johnson Jr & Lindsay
My thoughts: I enjoyed both Viennese Waltzes. I thought Terra and Sasha had a beautiful flow of movement across the floor. I love the song too. It all worked for me. Calvin & Lindsay's dance was a little choppy, but kudos to him for attempting reverse turns, and I think the dance had a lot of passion and fire. This is a tough one. In terms of dancing a proper Viennese Waltz, I would give the edge to Terra & Sasha. 
Scores: 8, 7, 8, and 7 for Terra & Sasha
8, 8, 8, and 8
Wow! Congrats to Calvin! 

Maureen McCormick & Artem vs Amber Rose & Maks
I still expected Amber to  be better, but I did see some improvement tonight. I mean, c'mon, she was dancing to "Big Booty." She has all the assets to be a success at this salsa. And she's dancing with Maks, Mr. Fine!! I saw some flashes of shaking it and owning it. But I still wanted more. Maureen & Artem danced a more traditional salsa, most of which was partnering work and in hold. The two dances were so different that it's hard to judge them. Amber's was a like a street salsa, while Maureen's was more of a ballroom salsa. I liked them both for different reasons, but I think I have to say that overall Maureen's was better. 
Scores: 7, 6, 6, and 6 for Amber & Maks
7, 7, 7, and 7 for Maureen & Artem
Maureen won! She's safe!

Darn, I got too far behind! I'll have to recap the last pairing later!


Dancing with the Stars Season 23 "Face Off" Part 1

It's an abbreviated episode because of the first presidential debate, and for that reason, the twelve remaining couples are dancing in "face off" format. They are paired up and dancing in the same style, but not to the same music, which is interesting. There will be a winner for each pair, and that contestant has immunity and cannot be eliminated in tomorrow night's results show. Here is a quick recap (so hopefully I can be finished close to 8 pm):

Babyface & Allison vs Jana & Gleb:
My thoughts: Jana and Glen took it easily. Babyface had a few flashes of a decent jive, but overall he was quite stiff and awkward. He had a big smile on his face and the dance wasn't terrible, but Jana and Gleb were flirty, fun, sexy, and performed a proper jive with kicks, flicks, tricks, and good speed and rhythm.
Judges scores: 7, 6, 6 and 6 for Babyface & Allison
6, 7, 6, and 7 for Jana & Gleb
There were no judges comments. I expected Jana & Gleb's scores to be higher. But this means that Jana cannot eliminated.

Rick Perry & Emma vs Vanilla Ice & Whitney
(A "bromance"? *shudder* *giggle*)
My thoughts: Rick's paso was like a "paint by numbers" paso. He looked like he was trying to follow the steps on an instructional video. He made a lot of shapes. He did some walking. He stomped his feet. That was his paso. I loved Emma's skirt. I thought Vanilla Ice had a pretty poor frame, but I liked his intensity. I know it's hard for me to be objective when it comes to Rick Perry. I don't think either one of them were good, but I thought Vanilla Ice did a better job with the paso.
Scores: 6,5, 6, and 6 for Rick & Emma
6, 6, 5, and 6 for Vanilla Ice & Whitney
Since there was a tie, Len was the decider. He gave it to Vanilla Ice & Whitney. So Rick is vulnerable tomorrow night.

Ryan Lochte & Cheryl vs James Henchcliffe & Sharna
My thoughts: I swear, Sharna can make anyone look good! I mean, I'm not totally convinced that James knows how to shake his booty, but Sharna put her hips up against his, and let nature just take control. It was a sexy, fun dance, and I enjoyed it. I feel much the same about Ryan & Cheryl's cha cha. She ripped open his shirt and rubbed up against him, and his body seemed to respond, regardless of actual dance ability. It was very close, but I would declare James and Sharna the one thrust.
Scores: 7, 7, 8, and 7 for James & Sharna
6, 7, 6, and 6 for Ryan & Cheryl
That makes James safe from elimination.

End of Part 1

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Survivor Season 33 Episode 1

Thirty three seasons? Wow! I still enjoy the show. This was a good first episode. I like the theme of Millennials vs Gen X. I am a Gen X'er but I don't dislike Millennials. I like their fun, adventurous spirit. Not that I think you can always generalize. Not all Millennials are free spirits, and not all Gen X'ers are workhorses. But I think it will be an interesting season.

For the first time in Survivor history, the contestants had to be evacuated from their camps due to weather. I wonder what their accommodations were like during the storm. Were they in a hotel? Were they not allowed to strategize? Were the tribes kept separate?

I'm glad that Dave did not go home. Dave reminds me of myself - insecure, afraid of new experiences, nervous, anxious. I hope he has the opportunity to have a journey this season - of growth, of self-discovery - and I want to witness it and maybe learn from him. I want him to have a John Cochran-type metamorphosis. I don't have high hopes that he'll be in the game for long, but maybe...


Big Brother Season Finale

Well, obviously I don't know what I'm talking about. The person I said was the least likely of the three to win because I felt that she had the most enemies on the jury - she won. I don't dislike Nicole - and I am happy that a girl won - but I would have preferred James or Paul to take it.

Two of the jury votes leave me shaking my head. Natalie voted for Nicole to win? She was so mad at James for convincing her to align with Nicole and Cory instead of Paul and Victor, and then it was the Nicole / Cory showmance that ousted Natalie. And yet she still votes for Nicole to win? That was crazy all by itself. But then Da'Vonne votes for Nicole to win? What?!?! Da'Vonne has been cursing Nicole before she was even eliminated, and the hatred didn't abate when she was sent to jury. She blamed Nicole for so much that went wrong, in her play and the game of others as well. Frank and Nicole became her archenemies. During Paul's speech right before the vote, Da'Vonne was swinging her arms and practically hopping around in her chair. I was sure that Paul had her vote in a lockbox. And then - when the score was tied and Da'Vonne was the deciding vote - it was revealed she voted for Nicole! I just don't get it. But anyway, congrats to Nicole. I didn't love Paul's temper, but I enjoyed his fun side, and he really entertained me this summer. Congrats to him as well. The vote was as close as it could possibly be. #friendship

As far as the fan favorite award goes, I'm okay that it went to Victor. He's a nice guy, and he sure had to work hard to stay for as long as he did in the Big Brother house. I was excited that Natalie and James were in the running as well.

I'm not watching the fall edition of Big Brother on CBS All Access. I have too many shows already, and I'm not going to pay beyond the money I already shell out for cable just to watch one more show. I'll wait until next summer for another season of my guilty pleasure.


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 First Results Show

There is only one word that can adequately describe last night's results show:

What was the point of that episode? To waste the fans' time? I'm sorry, but honestly, that show could have been thirty minutes long and then it would have been relevant and worth watching. Why do I want two hours of rehashing the dances with Bruno's sound effects in the background? The two musical performances were good, and I enjoyed the dance with Maks, Cheryl, and Derek, but otherwise, there was nothing new in the episode. I love the show, but I have A LOT of shows to watch this season. I don't have time for two hours of DWTS filler every Tuesday night. If there is going to be a results show, make it one hour at the most, and make it worth watching - meaning performances that we haven't already seen.

As far as who went home - I'm not surprised. The worst dancer rarely goes home in the first week. Rick Perry will likely stick around for another week or two, while dancers with somewhat more potential but smaller fan bases will go home. I'm sure JT Austin has a large fan base; he's a young, male Disney star. But young kids and tweens don't watch "Dancing with the Stars." That fact combined with two weeks of sub-standard dancing resulted in him being the first contestant eliminated from the ballroom.


Monday, September 19, 2016

Dancing with the Stars Season 23 Episode 2 Part 2

Babyface and Allison
Argentine Tango
A bit of a letdown for me from last week. The Argentine Tango is a very sexy dance, but I felt very little passion from him. He seemed very stiff and uncomfortable. The music was strange for the style of dance as well. It just didn't work for me. But I still see his potential. The lingering "almost kiss" was nice, but that was about it. The judges liked the performance better than I did. They saw more chemistry than I did. I saw chemistry last week. I saw leading man status last week. Not so much this week, but almost. The judges gave him two "8's" and two "7's."

Laurie Hernandez and Val
She is definitely a contender. She is the frontrunner so far. Val created a very difficult routine, and she more than held her own. Laurie is the whole package: personality, energy, youth, vitality, sparkle, and great technique. Val could very well have another winning partner. The judges were very enthusiastic. Laurie earned all "8's", the highest score of the night so far. Well deserved!

James Henchcliffe and Sharna
Paso Doble
Okay, I understand why there had to be dancers; it was "The Walking Dead" theme. But they distracted from the dance more than they enhanced it in my opinion. The routine was too hectic at times. But for me, James didn't look under prepared. I thought he did very well. And I felt like Sharna held back a little in her performance so James could shine. Overall, I was impressed. The judges were too. They gave James three "7's" and one "8," but with positive comments.

Marilu Henner and Derek
It took them awhile to start the routine, but I thought Marilu gave a very solid performance. She is a good dancer and Derek is an outstanding partner. I thought she had good form and good flow of movement across the stage. I'm very happy with that performance. I think Derek was able to make that song work for them. The judges were happy too. They loved her lines and her emotion in the routine. Marilu got three "7's" and an "8" from Len!

Ryan Lochte and Cheryl
So we got to see what happened when the innocence of the ballroom was shattered. But now its time to move on. And I am only here to judge his dancing. Which was quite good tonight! Of course I hated the extra dancers. I really disliked them in this performance, because in the beginning it was like Ryan was an extra instead of the contestant. Ugh! But once they exited, Ryan performed a solid quickstep: good speed, good technique, and good personality. Much better than last week. Julianne did not agree with me. She saw a lot of mistakes. Carrie Ann and Bruno did too. Ryan earned all "6's." I guess I didn't watch very closely. Maybe it's because I haven't had dinner yet. My growling stomach may have distracted me.

Dinner time for me dance fans!
