Sunday, July 25, 2021

Exercise Works

I have seen people say that if you have osteoporosis, exercise can be beneficial in maintaining your bone density, but won't improve it. Only medicine will regrow bone. 

I hope my story and test results prove otherwise.  

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis about 15 years ago. In addition to being on birth control and now hormone replacement therapy, I also was on Forteo for two years and I have had one Reclast infusion. So I am on medication to treat the condition. 

During 2019, I exercised, but I was not consistent with arm exercises and strength training. I was focused on walking and balance exercises. My arm exercises are hard for me, and it was easy for me to skip them and say, "Maybe I will do them tomorrow."

In 2020, I had a bone density test just before COVID hit. I had slight gains in my hips, but lost a bit of bone in my arms. So I made a commitment to do my arm exercises every day. I have a set of one pound pink dumbbells (of course they are pink), and I do various exercises for about five minutes per day. Plus I do aspects of daily living that use my arms, like unloading the dishwasher, washing dishes, taking out the trash, etcetera.

I was successful in my goal. I did my arm exercises every day except when I got my COVID vaccines. I was the most consistent I've ever been with exercise during the pandemic, because I was working from home, and had both the time and the energy to work out.

I had a bone density test in April of this year. The results were a big surprise to me and my doctor. The bone density in my arms increased by 6.2 percent!! That is a significant increase. I was so pleased. Because the test results were good and I did not show any decline, I was able to avoid a Reclast infusion for another year. My hips only showed a very slight increase, so I am trying to do some yoga poses in addition to my usual leg exercises to improve the bone density in my hips. I need to be more consistent with the yoga.

Since the test I have not been as consistent with the arm exercises. Starting back to work has made me more tired. I was also on vacation during the week before I went back to work, so I missed a few days then. When I miss a day, I try to do the exercises twice the next day, but that doesn't always happen. 

I try not to get upset with myself when I miss a day. I believe the exercises are definitely helping, and I am doing them as often as I can. I believe that any movement is beneficial. You don't have to use dumbbells and other exercise equipment. If one pound weights are too heavy, you can try a water bottle or a can of soup. Start out slow but steady, and give yourself praise and encouragement for your progress. 

Exercise, or movement, can make a difference in your overall physical and emotional health. 


"Be on Time" Chronicles

 It's the return of the "Be on Time" Chronicles!

I am back at the library three days a week. The schedule started in July. So far it is working well. I am at the library on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and then I work from home on Tuesday and Thursday. 

Wednesday morning was going very well. I had plenty of time to do my bed exercises, take a good shower, and do my usual morning routine. At the appointed time of my ride I was standing outside waiting. It was a warm, humid summer morning, but not hot yet. All was well. 

And then I felt it.

Or I thought I did. 

Something was crawling on me. 

And then I felt the familiar sting. 

There was likely an ant. 

Maybe even a fire ant.

In my pants. 

Specifically, in my underwear.

Instantly I had a flashback to my childhood.

I was about eleven years old. I was in Sunday School. It was a pretty day, and the teacher had the wonderful idea to hold class outside. We were sitting on the ground, and evidently I sat in an ant pile. My teacher rushed me back into the building, and we went in an office - I don't know which one. I do know that an older boy was in the office because he was in trouble for something. My teacher ordered him out of the office so we could pull my pants down and get the ants off me. That boy of course went back to his class and announced, "I was sent back because a little girl had ants in her pants." The story spread through the Sunday School as fast as the ants that invaded my pants.

Standing outside on Wednesday, I was in a quandary. I could not go back inside without the possibility of missing my ride. And I certainly couldn't pull my pants down in the apartment complex parking lot. 

So I decided to just let the ant enjoy his / her breakfast, and hope he / she was satisfied after a nibble or two. I tend to get big welts and suffer intense itching when I am stung by ants or mosquitos, but I don't have a severe reaction like trouble breathing. 

Luckily this situation was not as extensive as that day in Sunday School. My ride came, and I made it to work. I had some itching, but nothing unbearable.

At least a bird didn't poop on me. 
