Monday, January 30, 2017

Two quotes about resiliency

"We can't control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to what happens to us."

“I have faith that I can do pretty much anything if I can only figure it out,” ... “because, if it really matters to me, even if I have to do it differently from most people, I will still find a way to do it.”

I'm sorry I can't give credit to the people who made these statements; I just saved the quotes. But they both resonate with me because I want to develop resiliency. I need to develop resiliency. I believe I will be a stronger, happier person if I can learn to be more resilient. I'm definitely more resilient than I use to be, but I think I have a long way to go still.


Friday, January 27, 2017


In 2015 and 2016, my number of blog posts was much higher than the previous eight years of my blogging career. In fact, 2016 was a huge year for me; I logged 100 blog posts! In 2015 I only wrote 48 blog posts. I always want to do better each year than I did the previous year in whatever endeavor I am involved in - reading, blogging, writing recaps, whatever. So this year I want to write more than 100 blog posts. This is a completely achievable goal. If I write at least ten blog posts per month, that would be 120 posts in a year. Absolutely do-able. At least ten days out of a thirty or thirty-one day month? C'mon! Easy!!

Learn to avoid what prevents me from blogging:
1) Getting sucked into Facebook
2) Focusing on chores
3) Useless worrying
4) Feeling sorry for myself
5) Procrastinating
6) Fear of success / failure
So do it!
Make it happen!
Find the time!
Don't disappoint yourself!
Reach your goal!
Maybe even exceed it!

Attaining a goal is so exciting!
It makes you feel so good about yourself.
You feel accomplished.




This is what action looks like. This is what happens when people mobilize and organize and exert the time, energy, and money to take a stand for what they believe in. These people are fighting for freedom, for justice, for equality, for safety, for their first amendment rights to freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble.

This is Austin, Texas, on Friday, January 19th, and Saturday, January 20th. An estimated 50,000 people (men, women, and children) gathered in the capital city of Texas to participate in the worldwide "Women's March" the day after the Inauguration of President Donald Trump. They were sending a clear message to our new leader: "We do not agree with many of your ideas. We did not vote for you. We will fight against many of the policies you intend to implement. We will do all we can to ensure our safety and our freedoms. We stand together against you and your administration. This country was founded on democracy, religious freedom, and an individual's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We will not let you take away our rights and our security." 


Friday, January 20, 2017

To Watch or Not to Watch

This is a very easy decision for me.
I am absolutely not watching the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump.

I feel very sad today. That's an understatement, actually. For the past eight years I have felt so proud and I have such admiration for President Obama. He has led our country with such dignity, grace, and intelligence. Due to his leadership, our country has recovered from the greatest economic disaster since the Great Depression.

Usually I am a news hound. I like to know what's going on in the country, in the world. Even if I don't have time to watch the local or national television news broadcasts, I usually check in with CNN or MSNBC a few times a day on the computer or on my phone. Now I don't want to watch the news. I can't, really. Just seeing his face and hearing his voice revolts me. His tone is always so mocking, so judgemental, so short-tempered, so bloated with his own ego. He is a liar. His administration has already had more scandals than eight years of the Obama White House, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet!

An acquaintance from school posted the following on Facebook this morning: "If you can't be kind, at least be quiet." Usually I would agree with that statement. But not in this case. When you are quiet, then it means people think you agree with what is happening in our country. I cannot be quiet. And while I am usually a very respectful person, I am not respectful to him. I know I should be, because in a very short period of time he will be our president. But I cannot respect him. I cannot respect someone who lies and cheats and is so rude to people. He is dangerous. He is evil. He does not deserve my respect, and I don't believe he will ever earn my respect. He is hell bent on taking away the rights and laws that protect me as a woman, as a person with a disability, and the laws and regulations that protect my LGBT family.

So its a no-brainer for me. I will not be watching the Inauguration. But how do I feel about schools and classrooms showing the Inauguration, and telling students they have to watch? Some teachers are creating assignments and curricula that involve having to watch the Inauguration. So if the students do not watch then they will fail the assignment, which will affect their grade in the class. I don't think that is right. I think watching the Inauguration should be optional.

Now, I don't agree with keeping students home from school today. For some students, that could ruin their perfect attendance record. I think if a class is watching the Inauguration, and certain students do not want to watch, they should be allowed to go to the library or help out in the grade level office. There are certain activities that are mandatory for students, of course, but I don't think watching the Inauguration should be one of them. Part of me is conflicted by my viewpoint, because I wouldn't want students to opt out of watching the Inauguration if Hillary Clinton was being sworn in as president. But I understand that I can't have it both ways. Students don't have a lot of freedom in school, but this should be one of those freedoms. They should not have to watch something that would make them uncomfortable.

All I can do at this point is hope that we all survive the next four years, or however long Mr. Trump manages to stay in office. But I will do more than hope. I will use my voice, my vote, my signature, my presence, whatever I have the power and the ability to do to fight for my rights, my safety, and my protection as a citizen of this country.


Monday, January 09, 2017

Meryl Streep's comments about Donald Trump from the Golden Globes

"There was one performance this year that stunned me. It sank its hooks in my heart. Not because it was good. There was nothing good about it. But it was effective and it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh and show their teeth. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power, and the capacity to fight back. It kind of broke my heart when I saw it. I still can't get it out of my head because it wasn't in a movie. It was real life.

And this instinct to humiliate, when it's modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody's life, because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same thing. Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose."

Her entire speech was a work of art, but this was the part that got to me the most. Bless you, Meryl, and thank you for sharing your awesome talent with us for so many years.

By the way, this was Mr. Trump's response, via Twitter, or course:
"Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a Hillary flunky who lost big. For the 100th time, I never "mocked" a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him "groveling" when he totally changed a 16 year old story that he had written in order to make me look bad. Just more very dishonest media!"

Trump did exactly what Meryl said he does, attack and demean people.
It will be a very long four years if he doesn't learn to take the high road and learn to comment with the class and professionalism that should be the cornerstone of holding the highest office in the land.


Sunday, January 08, 2017

My First Week of Pocket Notes

I think I've mentioned this in a previous post. I'm starting the year by writing a note to myself every morning and putting it in my pocket. The note contains a word or phrase that will act as my inspiration for the day. Here's week one of my pocket notes:

Sunday, January 1st: resiliency
Monday, January 2nd: I weathered the storm by myself.
Tuesday, January 3rd: Get It Done!
Wednesday, January 4th: breathe
Thursday, January 5th: faith
Friday, January 6th: warmth
Saturday, January 7th: determination
Sunday, January 8th: organized


2016 Brief Year in Review

2016 was a very tough year for many people. And definitely I was deeply affected by the results of the presidential election, and mourned many of the celebrities that we lost last year. I was also affected by the hard times that family members and friends endured during the previous year.

On the whole, however, 2016 was a good year for me. I had quite a bit of success work-wise. I finally got the extra five hours that I've been requesting for years, which means more time each week to accomplish my yearly goals, and more money coming in too, as well as my full insurance being paid each month. I spent half of 2016 filling in for the vacant public awareness / outreach coordinator position, exhibiting at conferences and sending materials to events that I could not attend. I made a presentation to the largest group I have ever spoken to, about 40 people. Making presentations is not something I am comfortable with, but I enjoyed this presentation because it was during a Halloween party at an independent living center. I also created and presented an online webinar, and contributed to our agency's blog and newsletter. I was honored to be a recipient of the State Library's Employee of the Quarter Award for the second time.

Socially, I had the opportunity to spend a day in San Antonio with friends, visiting the Museum of Art and the public library. I had third row seats to see the amazing James Taylor in concert, thanks to the generosity of my roommate. I also saw the band the 1978 in concert, and visited the Circuit of the Americas 360 concert venue for the first time. I saw the Star Trek experience at the Long Center. And in November, I went to the Texas Renaissance Festival with wonderful friends who are family, and I had the thrill of riding an elephant for the third time, and dressing in costume for the festival for the second time.

May of 2016 was a momentous month for my family. First my middle niece graduated with honors from Texas A&M. Then a few weeks later my oldest niece married the love of her life in a beautiful outdoor ceremony. Only a month before, the city of Houston and surrounding areas experienced historic flooding. Two days before the wedding, there was more flooding, and severe weather. But the wedding weekend was beautiful, sunny and warm. Family flew in and drove from across the country, and a wonderful time was had by all. I haven't been to that many weddings, and I know I'm biased, but their reception was one of the most fun nights of my life. We all danced for hours. They say that a wedding reception is only as good as the people in attendance, and those people came to party.

I had some goals that I set for myself in 2016, and I'm pleased that I achieved them. I wanted to read at least two books per month, or 24 books during the year. I read 26. I wanted to recap every episode of "Dancing with the Stars" during the fall season, and I did. Although I didn't have a set goal for blogging, I did blog more in 2016 than I have any other year since I started blogging (I think!)

Health-wise, I continued my quest to stay as active as possible, try to drink more water, and cut down on sugar.

I haven't made a lot of specific goals for 2017. I want to read at least 24 books again. I want to continue to be as active as possible. I want to work on my mental and emotional health as well. I strive to be mindful and live for today, not worry about tomorrow. I want to be productive and successful, and focus on my own definition of those values, not someone else's definition of my productivity and success. I hope that in 2018 I will be able to make another blog post that outlines the highlights of 2017.


Thursday, January 05, 2017

So True...

When I can lose myself in something meaningful to me - a good book, journaling, one of my favorite shows, a game or a puzzle - when I can silence the worry and the self-criticisms, the doubt and the fear of what might lie ahead - priceless


Monday, January 02, 2017

Books I read in 2016

I had a goal of reading the equivalent of two books a month, twenty-four books for the year, and I surpassed the goal! Yay! Most were were e-books, but seven were audio books and two were print books. Here's the list:

The Martian (audio)
Life is Short
I am Forbidden
The Memory of Light (audio)
Upstairs at the White House
Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter
If at Birth You Don't Succeed - (print)
My Train to Freedom
Wayward Pines Book Two (audio)
Memories Before and After the Sound of Music
No Parking at the End Times
Run Brother Run
Trapped: My Life with Cerebral Palsy
My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me
The Lives and Loves of Daisy and Violet Hilton
Last Orphans Book One
Wayward Pines Book Three (audio)
Guy Town by Gaslight: A History of Vice in Austin's First Ward (print)
Below Stairs (audio)
The Girl with Seven Names
Room: A Novel (audio)
My Mother's House
Behind Closed Doors (audio)
Infinite Devotion 
Crank: Book One


Sunday, January 01, 2017

A new tradition

Today is only the first day, so who knows how long I will do this for. I usually don't keep up with my resolutions all the year through. I think few people. do.

Anyway, today I wrote an encouraging word on a piece of paper and put it in my pocket. It was a bit of a challenging day ( see the previous post), so I took the piece of paper out a few times and looked at it. I think it helped me get through the day. I want to try to write down an encouraging word or phrase or quote every morning and put it in my pocket to help me get through the day. If I can manage to save them, at the end of each month I can look through them and see what the word or phrase was. I'm sure there will be some repetition.

The word today was resiliency.

I think I was resilient today.


New Year's Day

Today I didn't throw up, even though my inner ear and sinuses were giving me fits.

I didn't pass out, even though  I didn't eat for about 8 hours.

I didn't pee in my pants, even though the door handle of the Megabus bathroom was broken and the bathrooms at the new Austin Megabus building were out of order, so I had to wait about four and a half hours when I needed to pee.

And I didn't cry today.

So it was a good start to 2017.

See the positive.
