Thursday, November 10, 2016

Facebook Friends and the Presidential Election

So I just unfollowed someone on Facebook specifically because of the election. I have unfriended one or two people on Facebook in the past, but this is the first time I have unfollowed someone specifically because of the election, or because of politics I should say. I doubt this will the last time. There are two more people that will likely get that treatment soon.

I don't do this lightly. I have been irritated with the person before. But I have always just tried to breathe and scroll post. Today I decided that I don't need to see this person's posts anymore. If I felt what she had to say had any redeeming quality to my life, I would not have unfollowed her. But it seems all this person does on Facebook is complain about her life and rail against Obama and the Democrats. What's the point? I do have some acquaintances, mostly friends from high school, who have a few anti-Democrat posts mixed in with posts about lots of other topics, and those I can usually handle. Because they also post funny memes and dog videos and pictures of exciting moments in their lives. Those are the kinds of things that make Facebook worthwhile to me.

I don't want to unfollow everyone that I disagree with. While it's important to me to surround myself with like-minded people, I also think it can be healthy to have people in your life that you don't always agree with. A civil debate is not a bad thing. And you can learn from people that are different from you. I am a big advocate of that. But when someone just spends his/her day spewing negativity, or complaining about his/her life, then I think it's time to move on. If reading someone's posts constantly makes you feel mad, upset, frustrated - then it's time to move on. So I have.


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