Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Day 28: A Month of Birthday Gratitude

And if we are talking about work - we have to talk about co-workers.

I have been lucky to have many wonderful co-workers during my years at the library. 

When you are in the customer service field, you bond with your co-workers. 

Especially when you are in cubicles in one big room. 

We help each other. 

In a variety of ways. 

We celebrate when someone completes a call with a difficult patron. 

We commiserate when someone has had to deal with a difficult patron. 

Even though we rarely get to meet our patrons, we still grieve when they pass away.

We tag team on certain requests - often when technology is involved. 

We'll scribble on a post it note and run to someone's cubicle - "I talked to her yesterday - check the notes field!" "Transfer him to me; I know what he wants" "Let her know I mailed her a packet last week"

We also have fun times at work 

Patron bingo

Games during the lunch hour

Making Valentine cards

Holiday luncheon with games and a white elephant gift exchange

Having the opportunity to work from home is one of the few benefits that came from the pandemic. 

But I am also happy on the days I'm in the office because I enjoy the camaraderie, support, and sense of purpose I share with my co-workers. 

Customer service / librarianship can be challenging. 

But also incredibly rewarding. 


Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Day 27: A Month of Birthday Gratitude

"When you love your job, it doesn't feel like work."

I went to library school intending to work with children, either in an elementary school or public library setting. 

But for nearly twenty-five years I have worked for a regional library for the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled. 

Helping people who are older, disabled, or have a chronic illness is my purpose. 

Connecting people to the information and resources that they need makes me fulfilled. 

And as a person with a disability, I am so fortunate to work for a state agency that values and supports people with disabilities. 

I am very proud of  where I work, and grateful for the opportunities my job has my afforded me.


Day 26: A Month of Birthday Gratitude

 Well, I fell short of my goal. 

I did not blog every day during the month of March. 

I am grateful for my interest in and my ability to write. 

But I struggle with writing. 

When you have a chronic illness or disability, too often your energy gets spent getting through the day. 

Sometimes I'm too tired or overstimulated to organize my thoughts. 

I'm a night owl, so occasionally I'll get the urge to write late at night, but if it's a week night I know I have work the next day. 

If only I could get myself up in time to write in the morning. 

Sometimes writing is cathartic for me. 

Other times I want to pull my hair out. 

But I'm always grateful to have that outlet. 
