Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Sounds crazy, but I am 48 years old, and I have never used a port-a-potty - until about three weeks ago. It's also pretty crazy that I'm writing about it. :) But I think it shows that I've led a rather sheltered life. I haven't been to events and activities where I would need a port-a-potty.

But three weeks ago I was at the Texas Book Festival. The vendors, author book signings, and refreshments are set up in tents on the Capital grounds and surrounding streets, while the sessions are held in the Capital. I had been visiting the vendor tents. It was raining, and it was a long hike for me to get to the Capital to use the bathroom. So my port-a-potty opportunity had finally arrived. While not exactly a bucket list item, I was rather excited to be using such a facility for the first time. I wish I could say I was a port-a-potty regular user, because that would show that I've had more life experiences. I could say that I've been to many outdoor concerts and other such events.

So how was it? Yeah, you know. It was gross. :) I think it could have been worse; the one I used was fairly clean. I have a fear of getting trapped in bathrooms and other small rooms (because I have before), so I didn't want to lock the door. My friend stood outside the port-a-potty so others would know that it was occupied. The area around the Capital is rather hilly, so I struggled with my balance when I was visiting the tents. The ground wasn't even and flat. So being in the port-a-potty made me feel a bit like I was on a boat, even though it wasn't moving. I didn't enjoy that. But hey, it was an experience. That's what matters. I can now say that I have used a port-a-potty.

What might be next? A mosh pit? A helicopter ride? Probably not.


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