Thursday, December 01, 2016

I finally believe in this

I have been on this earth for nearly half a century (!) and I can finally state that I believe in the saying on this shirt. It has been quite a journey to self-acceptance. And yes, there are still days when I'm not so accepting. But overall, I think I'm pretty much there. And it feels good. It feels freeing. But with the current state of the world, especially in America, I worry that being different is not going to be celebrated. In fact, I know it isn't. Being different leaves you much more vulnerable to ridicule, to possible physical and verbal attack. And that is so depressing. Uniqueness should be lauded, not shamed. Different is interesting, fascinating. We learn from people who are different from ourselves. That is how we all grow.

Variety is the spice of life.
Diversity should be the goal.


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