It's an abbreviated episode because of the first presidential debate, and for that reason, the twelve remaining couples are dancing in "face off" format. They are paired up and dancing in the same style, but not to the same music, which is interesting. There will be a winner for each pair, and that contestant has immunity and cannot be eliminated in tomorrow night's results show. Here is a quick recap (so hopefully I can be finished close to 8 pm):
Babyface & Allison vs Jana & Gleb:
My thoughts: Jana and Glen took it easily. Babyface had a few flashes of a decent jive, but overall he was quite stiff and awkward. He had a big smile on his face and the dance wasn't terrible, but Jana and Gleb were flirty, fun, sexy, and performed a proper jive with kicks, flicks, tricks, and good speed and rhythm.
Judges scores: 7, 6, 6 and 6 for Babyface & Allison
6, 7, 6, and 7 for Jana & Gleb
There were no judges comments. I expected Jana & Gleb's scores to be higher. But this means that Jana cannot eliminated.
Rick Perry & Emma vs Vanilla Ice & Whitney
(A "bromance"? *shudder* *giggle*)
My thoughts: Rick's paso was like a "paint by numbers" paso. He looked like he was trying to follow the steps on an instructional video. He made a lot of shapes. He did some walking. He stomped his feet. That was his paso. I loved Emma's skirt. I thought Vanilla Ice had a pretty poor frame, but I liked his intensity. I know it's hard for me to be objective when it comes to Rick Perry. I don't think either one of them were good, but I thought Vanilla Ice did a better job with the paso.
Scores: 6,5, 6, and 6 for Rick & Emma
6, 6, 5, and 6 for Vanilla Ice & Whitney
Since there was a tie, Len was the decider. He gave it to Vanilla Ice & Whitney. So Rick is vulnerable tomorrow night.
Ryan Lochte & Cheryl vs James Henchcliffe & Sharna
My thoughts: I swear, Sharna can make anyone look good! I mean, I'm not totally convinced that James knows how to shake his booty, but Sharna put her hips up against his, and let nature just take control. It was a sexy, fun dance, and I enjoyed it. I feel much the same about Ryan & Cheryl's cha cha. She ripped open his shirt and rubbed up against him, and his body seemed to respond, regardless of actual dance ability. It was very close, but I would declare James and Sharna the one thrust.
Scores: 7, 7, 8, and 7 for James & Sharna
6, 7, 6, and 6 for Ryan & Cheryl
That makes James safe from elimination.
End of Part 1
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