I'm writing about last week's two hour episode, or two episodes back-to-back - however you want to view it. I haven't seen last night's episode, so David could be out. But he had a VERY big night last week.
In the first reward challenge, David said he would sit out since it was a team challenge that involved swimming, and he didn't want to be the player that lost the challenge for his team. He got quite emotional, but all the contestants encouraged him to play, and do the best he could. It was a wonderful display of good sportsmanship. David did play, and even though his team lost, it wasn't because David slowed them down in his athletic attempt. He was one of the puzzle solvers, so one could say that he contributed to the loss on that basis. But it wasn't because of his swimming ability, or some other physical aspect of the challenge.
The immunity challenge in the first episode was a grueling endurance challenge, and David won! I teared up watching everyone cheer for him; some of the contestants even gave him a standing ovation. As Jeff was putting the immunity necklace around him, and asked him how he was feeling, David said this, "I'm just trying to, like, tamper down that voice in my head that says 'I can't,' and start listening to a voice that says, 'I can.'"
David is me, and I am David. And that is why I am rooting for him this season. David is my Cochran this season. Does that mean David will win? It's too soon to tell. There is still a lot more game to go. But if he keeps making big moves, and manages to win some challenges and/or advantages - maybe. Not only did he win immunity in this episode, he was also instrumental in getting Chris out. Chris was the person that he wanted eliminated, and he made it happen.
But trouble has started looming on the horizon for David. In the second episode, he was able to partake in the reward challenge simply because he drew the correct rock. He did not have to compete. That was great for him of course, but any time a contestant gets something for free on Survivor, resentment can start to fester.
And then came the Tribal Council. David wanted Zeke out. But he was tipped off that the other side was gunning for Ken. Ken is one of David's biggest alliance members. So David used his hidden immunity idol to guarantee Ken's safety. Unfortunately, Ken turned out not to be the target. It was Hannah. After two deadlocked voting rounds, the contestants were forced to draw rocks. Poor Jessica drew the bad rock and was eliminated from the competition. This outcome could have devastating consequences for David. The members of his alliance could blame him for his decision to save Ken. Hannah will likely be very angry, since she was the one that was almost voted out. When she saw her name on the card, she turned to David and said accusingly, "You should have used it on me!" Hannah was already wavering between aligning with Zeke and pledging allegiance to David. What happened at that Tribal Council could cause her to flip back to Zeke. Which would mean, of course, that David would be out two alliance members: Jessica and Hannah. That would be a disaster. So time will tell if David can survive this troubling turn of events.
Even if it turns out that David was eliminated last night, I hope he will feel very proud of the game that he has played. Like Cochran, David shows that you don't have to have athletic prowess to win Survivor. It is a physical game, but the mental play, the strategy, plus the ability to form alliances and succeed at the social game are even more important aspects.
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