Monday, November 05, 2018

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 5 - sound

What sound am I grateful for?

I probably sound like a pollyanna in these posts. Yesterday I said I was grateful just to be able to eat. Today I'm going to say I'm just grateful that I can hear. But it's true. I am especially glad that I can hear without having to deal with tinnitus. Tinnitus is a constant ringing or buzzing in your ears. I have an inner ear disorder than can cause tinnitus. Luckily I haven't developed it and hopefully I never will. There is no cure for tinnitus, and it can cause people severe mental distress.

I also worry because I've been to a few loud concerts this year, and loud music can destroy your hearing over time. I'm not going to stop going to concerts, but I should consider wearing earplugs.

I'm grateful to be able to hear music, and to hear beautiful singing voices, like the one my roommate has. :)

I don't always pay attention to sounds of nature like birds singing, but when I do it is a lovely sound.

But loud, abrupt sounds scare me because I have a strong startle reflex. I can get freaked out when the fire alarm goes off in our apartment or at work, or when an ambulance suddenly turns on a siren. I hate shouting and angry voices. But that's all a part of life. I can't keep stop those from happening.

Laughter is a beautiful sound.
I have to end the post on a positive note. :)


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