Friday, November 02, 2018

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 2 - technology

Day 2 - What technology are you grateful for?

Without a doubt, I am most grateful for my cell phone. I can't imagine life without it. I'm rarely far from my phone.

In the beginning I had a cell phone in case of emergencies. But it has become so much more than that. I do SO much on my phone:
check Facebook
check my e-mail
send texts
make calls
have video chats
make and manage lists
read e-books and audio books
keep book notes
watch shows on Netflix and network apps
watch YouTube videos
listen to music
play games
write blogs
buy stuff
pay bills
send money through PayPal
check my bank account
use the calculator app
use the magnifier app
use the calendar app
take / share pictures
do Internet searches

I do all of these activities on a small device that is easy for me to hold and carry. No bulky laptop or heavy tablet. Totally portable.

I have a wallet case that holds two credit cards, some cash, my ID card, and my medical card. No need to carry a purse unless I want to bring more stuff with me.When I go to concerts or other events where bags have to be checked, I usually just carry my phone.

I am never bored when I'm out and about. When I'm on long commutes to and from work, or bus trips on weekends, I can read, listen to music, or watch downloaded Netflix shows or play certain games that don't require WiFi. If it's a nice day, I can sit on my patio at my apartment and watch network shows, YouTube videos, read, or play games that require WiFi.

My phone gives me so much freedom, flexibility, and keeps me occupied .
It keeps my mind active, stimulates my creativity, and helps me stay organized. 
There is always something I can be doing on my phone.

And by the way, my phone was under $300, and I pay about $20 a month on a group plan with friends for data, texting, and talk. All of my apps except Netflix and Spotify are free. I usually buy discounted books on my Nook and Kindle apps, and my audio books are free from my work.

There have been many amazing and important inventions in and around my lifetime.
Cell phones have likely been one of the most meaningful and helpful to me.
My phone means the world to me!


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