Wednesday, April 29, 2020

"Living Under the Threat" - storms - 4/29

I didn't sleep well.
I was anticipating the storm.
It's what I always do.
Then I was awake during the storm.

So I slept in.
I'm starting work late today.
There aren't any perks to living during a pandemic.
But there are perks to telecommuting.
As long as I get my work done, I can basically start whenever I want to.
It is quite a luxury for me.
When I go to the office, because of riding para-transit, I have to be ready at a set time.
No way to change it.
I either ride, or I stay home, or I pay for a ride share.
I don't have any other options.

It was very helpful to have the option to sleep in a bit this morning.

Today will be beautiful.


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