Wednesday, April 15, 2020

"Living Under the Threat" - feeling overwhelmed 4/15/20

There are days when it just feels overwhelming -
the fear
the uncertainty
the number of sick and dead
the feeling of isolation and loneliness
the arguing about when to open the country
the posts on Facebook from people who need...
     masks and PPE
     toilet paper
     hand sanitizer
     a job

Sometimes even all the individual and community endeavors can feel overwhelming.
People offering -
     to make and donate masks
     to donate and deliver food
     to donate clothing
     to donate money
     to do odd jobs for those who can't

Of course I'd rather be overwhelmed by the latter than the former.

People are stepping up and doing what they can to help.

It's a beautiful thing to witness.

Yes there's anger and frustration and finger pointing

But there's a lot of caring and helping each other too.



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