It was a busy day.
Lots of time with family - virtually, of course.
First a long video chat with my middle niece. We always have a lot to talk about.
Then a first - a Zoom birthday "meeting" for my cousin in Colorado. I was able to see and interact with my mom, sister, two aunts, uncle, and some of my first and second cousins. At its peak there were seventeen people on the chat if I'm counting correctly, including myself. It was busy, fun, there were a lot of giggles. One of my cousins was wearing a festive hair decoration. One of my young male second cousins was using a computer program to morph into pictures of various animals. It was crazy at times. I really enjoyed it. It's not the same as being in the same space together. But we were able to see each other, check in, catch up. And we are all healthy. That's what matters. It took a pandemic for us to start doing this, but hopefully we'll do it more often.
During the past week or so I was able to virtually:
Chat with two of my best friends.
Watch my oldest niece's puppy run around in his back yard.
See my mom's roses blooming on her patio.
Admire my middle niece's artwork.
Celebrate the successful bread-making of both my youngest niece and a friend from a recipe I shared on Facebook.
COVID-19: bringing families together in new ways
We are all: #alonetogether
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