Sunday, April 26, 2020

"Living Under the Threat" - patio - 4/26

My patio is small and unassuming. Maybe 100 square feet, probably less. Orange walls (I did NOT choose the color.) It is sparsely furnished with three green plastic chairs and a short, white, plastic table. The view is the apartment parking lot - parked cars, a row of garages, pavement. But there are trees that are currently lush and green due to the abundant spring rain. Today the sky is a brilliant, cloudless blue. The temperature is in the 80's. A picture-perfect day in the ATX.

My patio isn't much to look at or admire, but it is my haven these days. I am out here as much as possible, especially on the weekends.
I read.
I look at social media.
I talk on the phone and video chat.
I watch shows.
I do my exercises.
This morning I had breakfast on the patio.

I blog out here too. ☺️

My patio is my happy place these days.

I could wish for a bigger patio, with better furnishings and a fancier view.

But I choose to be content and fulfilled with what I have and where I am right now.



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