Wednesday, April 08, 2020

"Living Under the Threat" - Rough Day 4/8

It's a humid, airless evening, but I'm sitting on my patio. I need to be away from my computer for awhile. I've even pecking out this post on my phone.

I was locked out of my computer all afternoon. Valuable time wasted. I could still work some, but not the work I need to do most. So frustrating. The problem seemed to finally be resolved. We'll find out when I try to log in tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed.

I felt bad about getting so upset when I learned that a co-worker has been dealing with that issue multiple times. I feel sad for him and our IT staff. 

I was worn out and feeling overwhelmed this afternoon. So I sat outside for about an hour, and then I took a walk. I think it's been over a week since I walked. Then I came in, ate dinner, drank water, and did my exercises. I feel better now.

One day good. The next day not so much. That's just life. Not necessarily during a pandemic. It's every day life. Stuff happens. Computer problems. Other problems. You deal with them, and you move on. 

Life gets a little dark, and then it gets brighter.

You make it through the glitches.


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