Saturday, April 25, 2020

"Living Under the Threat" - mask update - 4/25

I finally ventured outside wearing a mask yesterday -
I actually went on TWO walks in the apartment complex!
The first was a short excursion BEFORE work - shocking!
The second was a full circle around half the complex, which I haven't done in several days.

I did okay wearing the mask.
It will take more getting used to.
It feels so weird.
Did we ever think we all would have to wear a mask when we go outside?
We don't have to wear a mask when exercising, but I think it's a good idea for me to wear one.
I just have to get accustomed to it.
Learn how to breathe in it.
Not feel claustrophobic.

It felt good to get out and walk.
It was a beautiful, sunny spring day in the ATX.


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