A relative of mine was pre-diabetic for awhile, but through diligent dietary changes and exercises she has been able to bring her numbers down to normal range. She has not yet had to take any medicine for diabetes, and hopefully she won't have to.
She talks about how difficult it is to stay away from the treats that co-workers bring to the office. Now that I am trying to limit my sugar intake, I know what she means. There always seems to be a reason to flood the office with sugary treats! Birthdays, promotions, people leaving to take other jobs, holidays, Fridays, "food days," "just because" days - I am constantly receiving e-mails heralding the arrival of delicious desserts and where they are located in our work space.
Five minutes after I wrote a blog post about my lack of willpower on Saturday, and my internal FIRM decision to make this a better week, here comes an e-mail announcement: "Diana's birthday! Cupcakes, brownies, etc, on the cart in Office Services! Enjoy!" Two minutes later, I was standing at the cart in Office Services, breaking the seal on the container of mini-cupcakes.
But as usual when it comes to my battle against sugar, I choose to look on the at least somewhat bright side. I am a big fan of both brownies and cupcakes, but I limited myself to one mini-cupcake. I ate it, I reveled in it, I savored it, and then I worked on forgiving myself and moving on. No obsessive worrying. No beating myself up about starting off the week badly.
I did it.
It happened.
Carry on.
Try to do better tomorrow.
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