I will try not to be the Grinch in this recap.
I have so enjoyed the past two weeks of Dancing with the Stars.
But Disney Nite is typically not one of my favorites.
The opening was very elaborate!
Yay, Alfonso sang and danced! And look, there's J.T. from So You Think You Can Dance, The Next Generation!
Rashad & Emma
Foxtrot - Beauty & The Beast - "Evermore"
When he first started after they came down the stairs, Rashad gave Emma a very romantic look, and I thought the dance would be amazing. It wasn't bad, but I think the routine was overly ambitious. Rashad seemed to struggle a bit to keep up with the choreography. It was a tough dance. His partnering skills were good, but not great. His frame was similar. The tricks toward the end looked a little messy. So still good overall, but not brilliant like last week.
Len: "elegant - Prince Charming - I haven't seen you do a bad dance"
Julianne: "song was hard to dance to - but it was timeless"
Bruno: "classic Disney dance"
Carrie Ann: "You're like a wild horse - you felt trapped in"
Scores: 7, 8, 9, 8
My score: 8
Ugh, they're already announcing who is in jeopardy. That is so hard for the dancers to perform after learning they're in the bottom. I think that's unfair.
Erika & Gleb and Nick & Peta are in jeopardy so far.
Nick & Peta
Jazz - Pinnochio - "I've Got No Strings"
This is why I don't like Disney Nite. The song and outfits were SOOO cheesy. But okay, I'm judging the dance. It was another ambitious routine, but I think Nick coped quite well. There were a lot of difficult jazz elements in there. I'm not sure why they threw in the can can and Nick donning a skirt, but okay, whatever. Nick was amazingly focused and didn't get carried away. His partnering skills were quite good. Good job Nick!
Julianne: "so much fun!"
Bruno: "spontaneous child's play"
Carrie Ann: "breakthrough"
Len: "feel good factor"
Scores: 9, 8, 9, 8
My score: 8
Erika & Gleb
Viennese Waltz - Finding Dory - "Unforgettable"
The special effects - lighting on the dance floor was lovely. The least successful part of the dance for me was the beginning, when Erika was dancing by herself. She was much better when she was in hold. The routine had the sweeping, flowing, romantic Viennese Waltz feel, and there was strong chemistry between her and Gleb. It was their best dance in my opinion. Very solid routine. I enjoyed it.
Bruno: "I can see your honesty, fragility"
Carrie Ann: "I saw you open up"
Len: "beautiful, flowing movement"
Julianne: "you gave everything you had"
Scores: 8, 8, 8, 8
My score: 8
Heather & Alan
Jazz - Frozen - "First Time in Forever"
I've seen Frozen, but I didn't remember that Heather's character looks like Heidi. All I could think of was Heidi during the routine. Pantsuit last week; Heidi this week.
Anyway, great routine! Tons of energy, very fast spins, excellent lifts, that fall backwards off the judges' table took major courage and faith in her partner! Very impressive performance!
Carrie Ann: "a bit underwhelming"
Len: "brought out the fun"
Julianne: "amazing"
Bruno: "vibrant, alive"
Scores: 8, 8, 9, 9
My score: 9
Maks will be back next week. I'm happy that he's recovered, but I have to say I will miss Alan. He has great chemistry with Heather. I hope Alan is promoted next season!
End of Part 1
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