First of all let me say that I absolutely LOVED Vegas Nite, and I hope it becomes a staple of every season. The music and routines were fantastic, and just about every contestant raised their level of game this week.
Here we go!
Nick & Peta
Tango - Lady Gaga's "Poker Face"
I saw much improvement this week! Nick looked noticeably calmer, centered, and focused. The steps were crisp and polished, probably a little too careful actually, but there was intensity too, and definitely chemistry. Good job Nick!
Julianne: "You delivered"
Bruno appreciated his effort, but said he was stomping.
Carrie Ann: "It all came together"
Scores: 7,6,7,6
My score: 7
Mr. T & Kym
Foxtrot - Dean Martin's "Ain't That a Kick in the Head"
Okay, he had absolutely no frame, and he bungled the hat toss, but luckily one of the extra dancers (grrr) kicked it out of the way so he didn't trip over it. But on the plus side, he is definitely trying. And he looked happy out there. He attempted some musicality. I have to give him some points for effort.
Julianne: "debonair man" (He did look handsome!)
Bruno: "You got the style right"
Carrie Ann: "The audience was behind you"
Len: "gentle giant"
Scores: 6, 6, 6, 6
My score: 6
Bonner & Sharna
Charleston - from "Mad, Star-Crossed Love"
He can't do lifts because of his injury. Their chemistry sizzled before they even started dancing. and I was impressed by his lightness and musicality. But the extra dancers ruined this for me. They were way too involved. And unfortunately, without the lifts and tricks, the routine was a bit boring for me. So they were not as good as last week, but I still a lot of potential.
Bruno: "needed to be higher octane"
Carrie Ann: "needed to be extraverted"
Len: "too safe"
Julianne: "needed more personality
Scores: 6, 6, 6, 6
My score: 6
Heather & Maks (Alan)
Tango - Britney Spears' "Toxic"
She looked SLAMMIN' in that nude gown with her long hair flying - holy cow! She's had two kids? She and Alan are HOT together! They achieved tremendous speed on their Tango, and the camera work made the spins even more impressive. And thank goodness the show has used the original music in every routine so far! I loved the speed, intensity, and precision of this dance. Great job!! Maks was grinning!
Carrie Ann: "You brought the ballroom to Britney!"
Len: "loads of Tango content"
Julianne: "Y'all were so connected"
Scores: 9, 8, 8, 8
My score: 9
Charo & Keo
Foxtrot - "Chapel of Love"
I saw a calmer, more focused Charo, both in the routine and during the critique (what a relief!) It was impossible to see her footwork because her gown was so long; she had to hike it up constantly like she did last week. But there was a nice flow of movement, and it was actually a sweet, enjoyable dance.
Len: "lovely routine"
Juliane: "sweet and innocent"
Bruno: "refreshing, demure"
But Carrie Ann missed the "cuchi cuchi" which made Keo and Tom visibly afraid. :)
Scores: 6, 6, 6, 6,
My score: 6
Simone & Sasha
Quickstep - Elvis' "Viva Las Vegas"
WOW! That dance definitely put the "quick" in Quickstep! It was a fun, high octane dance with a lot of personality. I especially liked the Elvis moves at the beginning of the routine, before they commenced tearing around the floor at warp speed. Simone had to get accustomed to being in hold, and I thought her frame was good. Man, that was fast: energizer bunny speed!
Julianne: "on your game"
Bruno: "fast track to Vegas"
Carrie Ann: "fantastic, but there was a lift"
Len: "fast, but in control"
Scores: 7, 8, 9, 8
My score: 9
End of Part 1
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