Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Day 18: A Month of Birthday Gratitude

Today I am grateful for motivation. 

When I am not motivated, I am not happy. 

I like to be busy, engaged, productive. 

When I am unmotivated, I am sluggish, grumpy. 

I feel like a failure. 

I also get disorganized when I am unmotivated. 

I am contented and calm when I am organized. 

"A place for everything, and everything in it's place" - that saying was created with me in mind. 

Just kidding. But you get the idea. 

Motivation is the key to my creativity, my productivity, my success, my happiness. 

I want to be motivated every day.  

Motivated to keep my mind and body active and healthy.

Motivated to learn and grow and be creative.

Motivated to live life fully and be successful - in whatever way I define success.



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