Today I am grateful for my persistence.
I guess I've always had a certain amount of persistence.
I graduated from high school, college, grad school.
I live independently and have a job.
But when I was young, if I didn't know how to do something, or didn't think I could physically do something, I wouldn't even try. Someone else, usually my mother, would do it for me.
Now, I try on my own first.
I've learned how to read directions (mostly).
I know how to google.
YouTube is a great resource.
And if it's something physical, I try a few times, and sometimes I can actually do what I'm trying to do.
And that feels fantastic.
Persistence is great.
It makes you feel proud of your accomplishments.
But you also have to be realistic.
And make sure you don't hurt yourself trying to something physical.
A few examples:
I can't open pop top cans. Even with the gadgets that supposedly make that easier. I just don't have the arm strength.
I don't use ladders. I know it's not safe for me. I'll use a one step stepstool, but that's it. No climbing.
Don't get me started on child proof medicine bottles.
And bottles of milk.
And salad dressing.
And olive oil with the inner seal you have to pull off.
A few weeks ago I put together a holder for my phone.
It was very simple, only three parts.
Still, I struggled.
But I did it!
Last night I needed a new nasal spray.
One of those where the container is ensconced in a tomb of heavy plastic.
I pulled and tugged and cut the plastic with manicure scissors.
Took me awhile. But I did it.
Persistence can take energy and concentration that sometimes I don't have.
I'm also grateful to have a roommate who will help me when I can't do something.
Important point: Needing help and asking for help is absolutely FINE.
Everyone needs help sometimes.
But it feels awesome when I can do it myself.