Sunday, September 10, 2017

"Be on Time" Chronicles entry 9/10/17

Friday, September 8, 2017
A five hour plus adventure to attend an hour and fifteen minute concert downtown
My ride window opened at 6:10 pm
The vehicle arrived at 7:15
Amazingly, I was not late to the show.
One of the most difficult aspects of para-transit is trying to deal with event timing.
You don't always have all the particulars.
Especially when you have to schedule a day in advance.
Start time was 8:00 pm
Would the concert begin late?
Would there be an opening act?
Sometimes you don't know ahead of time
Would there be an intermission?
How many songs would be performed?
What would be the end time?
My estimate was forty-five minutes off.
Which meant I was standing outside - in downtown - at night - by myself.
My vehicle arrived only five minutes after my return window opened, which was a much better outcome than my ride to get downtown.
But then I had an hour plus excursion to get home.
I had to be ready to leave my apartment at 6:10 pm.
I arrived home around 11:30 pm.
Five hours plus
Was it worth it?
I enjoyed the concert very much.
But do I wish I had a better option for transportation?
Something that was more efficient, less arduous, but also affordable?


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