Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ending the sugar journal

After six entries (I think) I'm ending the sugar journal. I don't think there's a point to it anymore. Every week I cheat. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But I know I'm not going to go an entire week without sugar. I'm never going to give up sugar entirely.

I will say that this past long weekend was the worst four day time frame I've had in months when it comes to sugar. I was out of town, among family and friends, and I consumed chocolate chip cookies, a Sonic chocolate shake, apple juice, orange juice, a fruit bar, and a slice of cake made by my aunt who is known for her amazing cakes. Now that I'm home I'm trying to get back on track. But I know I will continue to have sugar stretches like that, especially when I'm out of town.

All I can do is do my best, stay away from sugar as much as I can, try to not to beat myself up when I give in to cravings, and hope that I'm doing enough to keep myself as healthy as possible.


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