Saturday, February 25, 2023

Do It When You Remember It

Hi, I'm librarianintx, and I am a procrastinator.

But maybe I'm becoming a recovered procrastinator? 

As I age, my short term memory is sometimes flickering. 

I remember something, go to do it, and then poof! It's gone. 

Sometimes it comes back quickly. Sometimes it takes longer.

So to combat both short term memory AND procrastination issues, I am trying to "do it when I remember it." 

I have lots of examples, but I'll give a few:

I hear a quote I like. I make a note of it before I forget it. I do this one of two ways: I put it in my phone. I write it on a notepad.

I remember something to add to the grocery list. I do this one of three ways: I put it in my phone. I write it on a notepad. I tell Alexa.

On Wednesdays and Saturdays I change my HRT patch (TMI?) :) The patches are with my medicine in the kitchen pantry. When I think of it, even a day or two before, I put a patch in the bathroom drawer. 

I read or hear about a book I'm interested in. I go into my Amazon app, look it up, and add it to my Kindle wish list right away. 

I see something on Facebook that could be a great gift for someone. I DO NOT BUY IT FROM FACEBOOK!! Sorry for the shouting, but I have been burned twice buying from Facebook, and I've learned my lesson. I go to Amazon and look for it. If Amazon has it, I add it to my gift ideas list. 

One more.

An idea for a blog post pops into my head - Hey! :) I do one of two things: I put it in my phone. I write it on a notepad. 

As you can see, having multiple ways to remember something helps me. 

I have a Keep app on my phone where I can make lists. 

And I have a plethora of notepads, but I only use three at a time. One is by my computer in the dining room. One is in my room by my journal. And one is in the bag I take to work. 

Oh hell, wait. I have four. 

One is in the bathroom. 

Yes. Full disclosure. Things I want to remember come to me when I'm in all stages of attire. 


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