Friday, February 17, 2023

Causes of Cold Feet

 Cold Feet (Literally)? Here's Why, According to Experts — And What You Can Do About It (


Poor blood flow / circulation

Chronic conditions - heart disease, peripheral artery disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and thyroid disorders

Certain medications - beta blockers, migraine medicines, and decongestants

Reynaud's Phenomenon - often associated with conditions like Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, pulmonary hypertension, and thyroid disease.



I have cold feet due to poor circulation. 

The blood flows down to my feet but pools there. 

My feet often turn purple.

Here are some things that help me deal with my cold feet / poor circulation:

wearing heavy socks

sleeping on a heated mattress pad

using a foot warmer / massager

limiting my exposure to cold temperatures - for me that means under 50 degrees

exercising / moving - even chair and bed exercises help

elevating my feet when I'm sitting

Two lifestyle changes that would likely help if I actually did them (sigh):

limiting my salt intake 

drinking water 

ETA: Okay, I wrote this late last night / early this morning. And now it's time for my confessional. I don't do the things I should be doing to protect my feet. I am writing these blogs to give advice, to promote health and wellness, but then I don't take the steps to keep myself healthy. It's called self-sabotage, people. And I am working on it. 


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