Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Frustration of Contraindications in My Health

I'm not sure if contraindications is necessarily the correct terminology here. 

What I am referring to is that taking one medicine is helpful for one condition but could make another situation worse. 

And one exercise is beneficial for one condition but detrimental to another. 

Two examples:

My thyroid medicine is necessary is for my hypothyroidism, but too much thyroid medicine can exacerbate my osteoporosis.

Strength training exercises are helpful for at least maintaining bone density, but these exercises can further weaken pelvic floor muscles. Both conditions can worsen as you age. 


Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. 

My endocrinologist monitors my TSH levels (thyroid) and I get a DEXA (bone density scan) once a year. My thyroid levels are steady. My bone density is dropping, but I am on medications, supplements, and an exercise regiment to at least slow or hopefully halt the bone loss. 

I am doing both strength training and pelvic floor exercises. I don't know what else to do. 

In the case of the thyroid / bone density connection, my doctor informed me of this and laid out the treatment plan. 

In the case of the strength training / pelvic floor exercise conundrum, I read about that online. 

Makes me wonder what else I don't know about when it comes to my health. 


"Why You Shouldn't Avoid Eating Processed Foods" article and My Thoughts

I think this article is so important. It talks about the difference between "minimally processed" and "ultra-processed" foods.

The bottom line is that some minimally processed foods can actually be healthy. And just as important, minimally processed foods are often cheaper and stay good for months, which cuts down on food waste. 

Some examples of minimally processed foods from the article

canned food

frozen food

chopped fruits and vegetables

microwave rice

Canned and frozen fruits and vegetables can be just as healthy as fresh, and they last much longer. 

The key is to look at the ingredients. Some frozen vegetables have a cream sauce or frozen fruits have added sugar. Canned vegetables often have added salt, and canned fruit might be in heavy syrup. So when you are choosing frozen or canned food, look at the ingredients and the nutrition information, and pick items that are as minimally processed as possible. 

The other thing I think you should look for, which the article doesn't mention, is BPA-free cans. 

I was very happy to read this article. I am trying to eat healthier, but my appetite is small, so often fresh food goes bad because I can't eat it fast enough. 

One thing I struggle with, though, is my own advice about BPA-free cans. Some vegetables, specifically peas and carrots, I prefer canned rather than frozen because they are softer. But I haven't been able to buy peas and carrots in BPA-free cans. So I break my own rule here. Green beans are available in BPA-free cans now, why not peas and carrots? 

Another thing I struggle with is salt. I do NOT like sodium-free canned vegetables. I do NOT like no-salt beans. I just can't eat them. I have tried adding other seasonings. I guess I'm not using the right combination of spices. So I don't buy sodium free canned goods. For now. 

When I make beans in my Instant Pot, I don't add salt until I eat a portion, and I try to keep it to a small amount. 

So just to recap, canned and frozen food ARE good for you! Make sure you read the labels and buy the items that are minimally processed, without added sugar or salt (if you can, which I can't yet on the salt) :) And choose BPA-free cans when you can. 

ETA: Also, when it comes to cost, canned or frozen can sometimes be cheaper. An important example of this is a protein - salmon. Fresh salmon can be pricey, and you have to prepare and consume it quickly, unless you freeze it. But you can buy salmon in a pouch or a can for significantly less money, and it is just as good for you. Chicken also comes in a can or pouch, but the consistency is different from freshly cooked chicken, plus it has added salt. I prefer rotisserie chicken, but I don't mind canned chicken.


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Changing Culture of Libraries

If you are as old as I am, or older, you remember what libraries used to look like:

They were quiet places for choosing books and magazines, reading, and studying. 

Stereotypical librarians, predominantly female and middle aged, wearing skirts and cardigans with their graying hair in buns, often enforced hushed voices with stern looks and fingers to lips. 

Oh how libraries have changed. 

Nowadays, librarians come in all genders, ages, and manners of dress. 

Public libraries, especially main libraries, are active and and bustling centers for multiple activities in addition to locating, borrowing, and reading materials. 

Some examples of what public libraries feature / offer:

book club meetings

author talks / book signings

community events and continuing education

private spaces for organizations or other groups to meet

technology use, training and support

activities for children - storytimes, games, summer reading programs, movies, storywalks

activities for teens - access to computers, video games, movies, social events, book clubs

Some libraries provide even more:

private rooms for telemedicine appointments

programs for the unhoused community

music, exercise, gardening, cooking, and other activities

the ability to borrow a vast array of items, from sports equipment to games to gardening supplies: https://www.

Feeling bored? 

Need activities for the kids?

Have a desire to learn something? 

Want to meet people who share your interests? 

Visit a library




Do It When You Remember It

Hi, I'm librarianintx, and I am a procrastinator.

But maybe I'm becoming a recovered procrastinator? 

As I age, my short term memory is sometimes flickering. 

I remember something, go to do it, and then poof! It's gone. 

Sometimes it comes back quickly. Sometimes it takes longer.

So to combat both short term memory AND procrastination issues, I am trying to "do it when I remember it." 

I have lots of examples, but I'll give a few:

I hear a quote I like. I make a note of it before I forget it. I do this one of two ways: I put it in my phone. I write it on a notepad.

I remember something to add to the grocery list. I do this one of three ways: I put it in my phone. I write it on a notepad. I tell Alexa.

On Wednesdays and Saturdays I change my HRT patch (TMI?) :) The patches are with my medicine in the kitchen pantry. When I think of it, even a day or two before, I put a patch in the bathroom drawer. 

I read or hear about a book I'm interested in. I go into my Amazon app, look it up, and add it to my Kindle wish list right away. 

I see something on Facebook that could be a great gift for someone. I DO NOT BUY IT FROM FACEBOOK!! Sorry for the shouting, but I have been burned twice buying from Facebook, and I've learned my lesson. I go to Amazon and look for it. If Amazon has it, I add it to my gift ideas list. 

One more.

An idea for a blog post pops into my head - Hey! :) I do one of two things: I put it in my phone. I write it on a notepad. 

As you can see, having multiple ways to remember something helps me. 

I have a Keep app on my phone where I can make lists. 

And I have a plethora of notepads, but I only use three at a time. One is by my computer in the dining room. One is in my room by my journal. And one is in the bag I take to work. 

Oh hell, wait. I have four. 

One is in the bathroom. 

Yes. Full disclosure. Things I want to remember come to me when I'm in all stages of attire. 


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

"Love Me More"

This morning I woke up mad.
Angry at my fatigue.
Frustrated by my self-sabatoge.

And then I started playing Sam Smith's new album for the first time.

The first song is called "Love Me More."

"Every day I'm tryin' not to hate myselfBut lately, it's not hurtin' like it did beforeMaybe I am learning how to love me more."

Everything happens for a reason. 


Monday, February 20, 2023


Reading and writing have been my two favorite hobbies for as long as I can remember. 

Last year was tough. 

So was 2021.

And 2020. 

Last year I went through a reading slump. 

It was painful. 

I still achieved my goal of reading 24 books. I actually exceeded my goal - I read 28 books.

I really liked some of the books I read. But I struggled with concentration and making time for reading. 

Reading felt like a chore. 

I absolutely hated that feeling. 

I'm a part of two Facebook groups about books and reading. Plus I join a book club every other week where people talk about what they are reading. 

Often in the Facebook groups there are threads about how many books people read in a year. Invariably those threads devolve into bickering, jealousy, comparisons, and competition. "I read a hundred books last year!" "How nice for you, I only read three, you must think you're better me." "I'm raising four kids alone and have a full-time job; I don't have time to read." "You must be reading kid's books if you're reading two hundred books a year." "I read very long books; that's why I've only read ten this year." The squabbling goes on and on.

Hobbies shouldn't be about competition. 

They should be about enjoyment. 

Read what you want, when you want, for as long as you want (or have time for).

Don't compare your interests in or amounts of reading to anyone else. 

I am coming out of my reading slump. 

I still have my same reading goal for the year, but I'm trying not to focus on it. 

I am taking the time to savor each book, not reading to get through it so I can move on to the next one. 

I'm also taking the time to write a review of each book.

This is what is working (so far) for me. 

I prefer to read when I have enough time to finish a chapter, but I'm learning that I don't have to do that. If I only have a few minutes, I read a few pages. Also, if I try to read and the concentration isn't there, I move on to something else and try not to get frustrated. 

My previous post can apply to hobbies too - "Every Little Bit Helps".

Keeping your mind engaged is part of a healthy lifestyle.

Whatever you like to do, whatever makes you feel fulfilled and energized - do it. Even for a few minutes at a time. 


Every Little Bit Helps

When it comes to exercise, my new mantra is "every little bit helps." Having that mindset is helping me exercise more consistently, and earlier in the day. 

I've only been exercising on a regular basis for a few years. I wish I would have started earlier. Maybe my osteoporosis would be less advanced. Maybe I would have been healthier as I entered menopause. But living with regrets and "maybe's" doesn't help. Move on and carry on!

I've had a bad habit of waiting to exercise until the end of the day. I put it off for as long as possible. Then I would get too tired and it would be too late to do some of the exercises. "I'll do those tomorrow," has been my mantra for too long. It became a vicious cycle of staying up too late, having to rush in the morning, and punting certain exercises until the weekend, if then. And of course the exercises that I wasn't doing were the ones I most needed to do - the ones that benefit my bones the most. The ones that are the most challenging. 

So for the past three days, during my three-day weekend, I have kept to a different schedule. Well, almost. One day I didn't. But anyway, I have started the day with my bed exercises. I don't know the names for all the exercises. Leg lifts - 50 of each leg. Clams - 60 of each leg. Bridges - 40. Stay in the bridge position for 90 seconds. The leg lifts and clams are done with one-pound weights. Then I hold each leg to my chest for a count of 25. 

Then with the one-pound weights I sit on the edge of the bed and do leg lifts - 50 on each leg. I'm trying to add an elbow to opposite knee touch for 50 times, but I can't do that every time yet. 

Next I move to the bathroom for balance and leg exercises. I do 8 minutes of balance exercises - one foot in front of each for a total of four times, then standing on one foot each for a total of four times. I do 60 foot stomps on each leg. And sometimes toe raises - forty to fifty. 

The hardest exercise for me to do every day are my arm weights. They are SO important and they take less than ten minutes - why do I procrastinate? They are usually the last exercise I do before I go to bed. So now I am trying to do them in the morning.

The whole time I was doing my other exercises this morning, I was thinking about my arm exercises. Correction: I was thinking about NOT doing my arm exercises. I was trying so hard to procrastinate. And then I remembered my mantra: "Every little bit helps." Just start doing them. Attempt the usual 20 reps of each exercise. If I can only do 10, at least I did some. 

I did the 20 reps of each arm exercise. Success!

On the days I work at the library, this schedule will not work. I don't have the time or the energy to do this much exercising then. Even if I can do a modified schedule during the week and the full schedule on the weekend, that's a good start. 

"Every Little Bit Helps"


Sunday, February 19, 2023

Rihanna's Superbowl Halftime Performance - My Thoughts

Nearly a week late, but I'm throwing my two cents in anyway. 

Most importantly: I am a fan of Rihanna's music.

I have a playlist of my favorite songs of hers. 

For me, the problem had more to do with my expectations. 

My favorite and memorable Superbowl halftime shows have been spectacles.

They have had most of these elements:

big productions

costume changes 

set changes

special guests


stunts / acrobatics

Rihanna's performance ticked some of those boxes. 

It was a big production.

There was dancing - but very little by Rihanna. 

There was a special guest - her baby bump

Live singing - the jury is out on that one. 

I am impressed by what she did do. Singing twelve songs while that high in the air and pregnant is quite an accomplishment. I honestly don't know how much of the singing was live. There were a lot of far away camera angles, plus she covered her mouth at times, so the allegations of lip syncing are unfortunately valid. If she sang every song, props to her and apologies.

The moving stages were visually impressive. I liked all the dancers, although I didn't love their costumes, or Rihanna's. Someone said the dancers looked like tampons, and Rihanna was the spot of blood on the tampons. Not a good description for a Superbowl visual. 

Unfortunately, I just kept waiting for something to happen. A set change, a costume change, a guest to appear...I believed something more exciting was coming at any moment. But nothing ever did. I had been spoiled by Madonna, JLo, Shakira, Katy Perry, and Lady Gaga in previous Superbowl performances. Even though rap isn't my favorite type of music, I enjoyed last year's Superbowl halftime with Dr. Dre, Snoop Dog, Eminem, Mary J. Blige, Kendrick Lamar and 50 Cent, because it was that big production / multiple sets / guests / (mostly) live singing that I expect and want in a Superbowl Halftime performance. I say mostly last year because apparently 50 Cent wasn't singing live. 

So yes, I was disappointed when I watched the first time. Because I expected something more. When I watched it a second time, I enjoyed it more. Because I appreciated it for what it was and didn't focus on what it wasn't. 

Although I was unhappy that she didn't sing my favorite Rihanna song: "Please Don't Stop the Music".



Foods that Improve Circulation - Article and How Am I Doing?

How am I doing?

Terrible :(

I only eat three of the foods regularly - fish, tomatoes and berries

I eat garlic and onion, but mostly in powder form. I don't know if that counts. 

I am trying to eat more leafy greens and walnuts, but I don't eat them consistently yet. 

The article also mentions lifestyle aspects that can help with circulation:

no smoking - I never have

exercise - I do some every day

maintain a healthy weight - I'm underweight, so I'm not at a healthy weight.

follow a healthy diet - I'm trying! :)

stay hydrated - still failing here

reduce stress - trying every day

So what grade would you give me? 

I would say between a "C" and a "C-"



When the Power Goes Out - Article and My Thoughts

This is a very good article about what to do when the power goes out, ways to keep your food in the fridge and freezer safer for longer, how you know when food is bad, and what foods might be safe to keep after an outage. 

Bottom line: "When in doubt, THROW IT OUT!"

People are often hesitant to throw out an entire fridge and freezer worth of food, because of waste and the expense of food. But as the article wisely stated, you could end up spending a lot more on a hospital bill or losing wages due to the inability to work while dealing with food poisoning. 

I have health conditions and am underweight, so I fear food poisoning more than your average person. I am extra careful to avoid eating or drinking something that might make me sick. It sometimes drives the people around me crazy, but that's the reason I'm hypervigilant. "Praying to the porcelain gods" could be dangerous for me.

My roommate and I lost power for nearly three days during a recent ice storm. We left some nuts and mustard in the refrigerator. Everything else went in the trash. 

A few points I want to emphasize (only one is in the article):

I have heard it's not safe to put food in a box outside even in below freezing weather.

If you are lucky enough to find other accommodations during the power outage, ask your electric company about text alerts, so you can find out when the power is restored. 

Do not taste test food or drinks to check for safety. Even a small amount of spoiled food or liquid can make you sick. Check the smell and the appearance of the food. If you have any doubt, throw it out.

If you have renter's insurance, read the policy. You may not have to do a lot of work to get money for lost food. Check to see if a deductible applies. If you don't have renter's insurance - get it. It's like $10 a month. 

If the outage was city-wide, food distribution centers might be set up. My city did this. It took a few days, but the food bank offered several drive-up locations where they gave away non-perishable and some perishable food like produce. If you need to, take advantage of that. And get in line early. If you don't have a car, or don't drive, ask for help from a friend or neighbor. Call the city to see if they are making accommodations for older people / people with disabilities. 

If food leaked in the fridge or freezer, be sure to clean thoroughly. I had put fruit in plastic bags in the freezer, and the strawberries leaked all over the freezer. Good times! Luckily, since I waited until the freezer was cold again, the juice froze and was easy to remove. Then I scrubbed the floor of the freezer with a soapy scrub pad. It looked like a daunting task, but it was surprisingly easy. And hey, the freezer sure looks nice and clean now. :)

The article talked about making extra bags of ice in preparation for a power outage. In addition to that, consider eating your refrigerated food first, to lessen the chance of waste. I'm talking about before the power goes out, so you still have the ability to cook / reheat food. 


Friday, February 17, 2023

Causes of Cold Feet

 Cold Feet (Literally)? Here's Why, According to Experts — And What You Can Do About It (


Poor blood flow / circulation

Chronic conditions - heart disease, peripheral artery disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and thyroid disorders

Certain medications - beta blockers, migraine medicines, and decongestants

Reynaud's Phenomenon - often associated with conditions like Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, pulmonary hypertension, and thyroid disease.



I have cold feet due to poor circulation. 

The blood flows down to my feet but pools there. 

My feet often turn purple.

Here are some things that help me deal with my cold feet / poor circulation:

wearing heavy socks

sleeping on a heated mattress pad

using a foot warmer / massager

limiting my exposure to cold temperatures - for me that means under 50 degrees

exercising / moving - even chair and bed exercises help

elevating my feet when I'm sitting

Two lifestyle changes that would likely help if I actually did them (sigh):

limiting my salt intake 

drinking water 

ETA: Okay, I wrote this late last night / early this morning. And now it's time for my confessional. I don't do the things I should be doing to protect my feet. I am writing these blogs to give advice, to promote health and wellness, but then I don't take the steps to keep myself healthy. It's called self-sabotage, people. And I am working on it. 


Article about Dietician-Approved Grocery List - How Am I doing?

 This Dietitian-Approved Grocery List Will Ensure You’re Stocked With Healthy and Versatile Foods (

The article breaks the grocery list into groups:

Group #1 Produce

I am most successful in the berry category. I need to be eating them every day though. I like strawberries and blueberries. I don't care for raspberries and blackberries.

I finally bought baby spinach week before last. But it takes me a long time to eat even a small bag.

I like mushrooms but they go bad so fast. 

I eat peaches and pears - are they citrus fruits? 

Group #2 Protein

I eat a good amount of beans, eggs, and quinoa. 

I eat salmon twice a week. 

I also eat almond butter but need to add walnuts to my diet. 

I eat chicken and occasionally turkey. I eat very little meat. 

Group #3 Bread and Pasta

 I eat too much bread, and while it is wheat bread, it is not whole wheat. 

I also eat rye bread, but both have sugar and are not especially healthy. 

On the positive side in this category, I have switched to whole wheat pasta. 

Group #4 Dairy

I eat cheese and drink milk pretty much every day. 

I like yogurt and cottage cheese, but I don't eat them much. 

When I do eat yogurt, it is not unsweetened. Bad me. 

Group #5 Snacks and desserts

Unfortunately, I excel in this category. :(

I have a sweet tooth and I love salty snacks.

Bad for someone with poor circulation who is also chronically dehydrated AND has an inner ear disorder.

In my defense, I am consuming less sugar. Nowadays I eat a Kind breakfast bar or an Enjoy Life bar as my sugary snack. I rarely eat baked goods like cookies or brownies. My afternoon snack used to be angel food cake slathered in Nutella. Now are you proud of me? :) When I have the time and energy I make my own muffins with no refined sugar.

When it comes to salty snacks, my go-to lately are tortilla chips. I tried the Whisps that were mentioned in the article - the cheddar ones were VERY cheesy for me. Maybe I'll try another flavor. They are also quite expensive. Chips of any kind are so dangerous. When I have them in my apartment, I try to portion them out so I don't eat half the bag. 

So my goals are:

more fruits and vegetables

more leafy greens

more walnuts

less sugar and salt

more cooking



Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Mrs Kelce

"What a hard job she had, cheering for both, worrying about both, finding a way to celebrate with both - and luckily her boys rose to the occasion and handled the situation with grace and humor. She raised them right. Congrats to the Kelce family."

My thoughts on Donna Kelce, as she watched her sons Jason and Travis play on opposite teams in last Sunday's Super Bowl


"Be on Time Chronicles"

After yet another mix-up where I was no-showed because the driver was at the loading dock and I was in front, but luckily he found me so I didn't have to wait for another ride, we dropped off a passenger at the Regal Cinema on Stonelake Blvd. There were maybe four cars in the parking lot. A little strange, but it was an odd time of day, plus COVID maybe, so...

But then we exited the parking lot on to Stonelake Blvd, and there were no cars on Stonelake. Zero. The street was empty in both directions. No people walking either.

"Wow, this is kinda weird," I said.

"Yeah," said the driver. "Did the rapture happen, and we got left behind?"

We were both relieved to see the usual traffic when we got to the light at 183.


Wednesday, February 08, 2023

My Favorite Grammy Moments 2023

 I'll jump right in:

1) Lizzo!! - Lots of excitement for Lizza and her fans. First, she stunned on the red carpet in a floral cape and Dolce & Gabbana corset gown. Then she took us all to church in a mashup performance of "It's About Damn Time" and "Special." And then she won Record of the Year!! The last time a black woman won Record of the Year was Whitney Houston. Lizzo dedicated the award to her mentor Prince, and she got emotional as she finally had the opportunity to tell Beyonce in person (from the Grammy stage) how much of an impact Queen B has had on her life as well as her music. 

2) Adele winning the Grammy for Best Pop Solo Performance - I love her music, and I love her. 

3) Bonnie Raitt winning Song of the Year - She looked as shocked as Jon Batiste did when he won Album of the Year last year. 

4) The Motown performance - Love Motown! - Stevie Wonder and Chris Stapleton jamming together was awesome! 

5) Kim Petras' accepting the Grammy for Best Duo or Group Performance for her and Sam Smith's song "Unholy." Kim received shouts of excitement and a standing ovation when she announced she was the first trans woman to win a Grammy.

6) The fans segment - Okay, I agree with the criticism that the segment was too long, especially on an awards show that is already too long. But I LOVED the representation - black, white, Asian, Latino, LGBTQ+, mature adult, and a person with a disability. When Trevor Noah invited the fans onstage to help present the Album of the Year award, I said, "There better be a ramp!!" I didn't see one, but the lady in the wheelchair was on the stage, so they got her up there somehow. Librarianintx meltdown averted. :)


Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Plan for Emergencies

I've been a worrier for most of my life.

I'm learning that there's two kinds of worrying:
Useful and useless worrying

Useful worrying helps you plan ahead, be resourceful, and can keep you safe in an emergency. 

I'm figuring out that I did some things right and some things wrong during our current power outage due to an ice storm.

The main thing I want to talk about is food. I ordered and received a food delivery at the beginning of the situation. So we have food. But I needed to think more about me being a person with a disability. 

I am very lucky to have a roommate, and he helps me whenever I need assistance. I'm mostly self-sufficient, but in this case, I needed more help than usual, because I can't use a manual can opener. I also can't open pull top cans. Over the years I have crossed my fingers, held my breath, and purchased a number of gadgets that promised they could easily open jars, soda cans, and pull top cans.


Not for me, anyway.

So next time, just in case I'm alone, I need to think about non-perishable food that I can open. 

Here are some ideas (I have a few of them):
Crackers,, including peanut butter crackers and cheese crackers
Breakfast bars, granola bars, and meal replacement bars
Fruits and vegetables that are packaged in single-serving disposable containers with plastic lids that peel off. Examples: peas, corn, peaches, fruit cocktail 
More foods these days are available in pouches. Examples: tuna, salmon, refried beans, peanut butter, and almond butter
I don't eat cold cereal, but those come in single serving options now, so having a few is a good idea

Chips are a favorite food group for me :) but if they are in my apartment, I will overindulge and won't have any left for emergencies, so scratch that.

Same with cookies, brownies, sweets...

I'm trying to focus on at least somewhat healthy food here! :)

So we will get through it.

Tomorrow the ice will be gone.

And hopefully power restored. 

With every tough situation,  lessons are learned. 
