Thursday, October 29, 2020

Big Brother Finale - My Thoughts

Another season of Big Brother is over. 

I am not surprised that Cody won, and I am not surprised that it was a unanimous vote. Cody deserved to win, he won on his own merits, but honestly, Enzo handed it to him on a silver platter. Enzo gave the worst speech and answers to jury questions in the history of Big Brother finales. Flat out admitting that you rode someone's coattails is going to get you a win? C'mon on! Further, Cody deserved a raise in prize money for dealing with Enzo during that final hour. Enzo was manic - pacing, non-stop talking, paranoid - painful to watch. 

Nicole's reaction was painful too. I can understand her feeling betrayed by Cody, but she really believed that the jury was going to give her a second win? She thought people like Day, David, and Kevin were going to vote for her after she betrayed them? After she lied to Day's face? Nicole could not get her emotions under control and she came across as a spoiled brat. She is going to be in for a rude awakening when she finds out what much of America thinks of her. There is confidence and then there is delusion. 

The best moment of the night for me was when Day won Favorite Houseguest. I was also happy to see Tyler in the running for that. I would have also liked to see Kevin get it, but I am thrilled for Day. 

See you next summer Big Brother!


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