Sunday, November 01, 2020

DWTS Villains Nite (Top 10) Part 2 10/26/20

Nelly & Daniella
Argentine Tango
I give Daniella a 10 for that routine and Nelly an 8. She did most of the work, but still, his partnering skills were good. I think her choreography made him look good, although I think I saw a balance problem or two. It was his best dance overall.
My score: 8 (almost 9)
Scores: 9, 9, 9

Justina & Sasha
Poor Sasha was probably exhausted and battered after that routine - but I'm sure it was worth it! Wow!! Great dance! Fast, powerful, with so many unexpected moments! I was on the edge of my seat! Her screams made me laugh out laugh out loud! Thrilling! The songs are so perfect for the themes tonight!
My score: 10
Scores: 9, 9, 8

Nev & Jenna
Paso Doble
Excellent Paso! Loved Nev's power and intensity, the look on his face said it all. Very strong Paso content - shaping, lines, attack - it was all there, and it all worked.
My score: 9
Scores: 10, 10, 10

Skai & Alan
Argentine Tango
It's a difficult dance, but Skai is back this week! Very good footwork, clean lines, and because she is so tiny, they were able to do some pretty incredible lifts. And the look on her face at the end was wonderfully sinister.
My score: 9
Scores: 9, 9, 9

Kaitlyn and Artem
Paso Doble
So obviously I'm finishing this nearly a week late, and I did hear about the controversy surrounding this routine. I thought Kaitlyn did a good job acting the part, and the hair and costume were spot on. I thought she had a lot of attack in the beginning, and some very nice shapes. But I think the choreography hurt her towards the end of the dance. Artem had her going underneath him twice, and it's hard to get up from the floor in that likely heavy costume. So I blame the choreography more than anything else for the sluggishness at the end.
My score: 8 (almost a 9)
Scores: 7,9,8

Bottom 2:
Monica & Val
Jeannie & Brandon
Eliminated: Monica & Val
I am absolutely crushed. I think Monica was wonderful tonight. She did not deserve to go home. But neither did Jeannie.


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