Thursday, September 29, 2022

Fascinating New Health Phrase

Today during a webinar for work I heard a new health term that unfortunately fits me perfectly most nights:

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

This means that you find ways to not go to bed even when you are tired and know that you need to be asleep. 

Why do we do it? 

A few reasons:

We want to have a feeling of control. 

We might be nervous about what we have to face the next day. 

We sometimes stay up late because we finally have the time to do something that we enjoy. 

Night owls tend to do this more than morning people.

I do this almost every night. 

I never knew it had a name.

I will delay exercising, eating, doing chores to get ready for work, etcetera.

I should be in bed by 10 during the week. 

Usually, it's 11 or after.  

On the weekends I'm often up until 1 or 2 in the morning. 

What do I do instead? 

Unfortunately, too often nothing very productive or constructive, like scrolling through Facebook or watching tv. 

Sometimes playing phone games or reading or writing, which are at least beneficial for my brain. 

Now that I know it's a thing, and that it's not healthy for me (which I figured), hopefully I can work on doing something about it. 

Maybe tomorrow. :)


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