Friday, September 24, 2021

Big Brother - My Thoughts on the Top Three

Wow! What a difference a few days makes. And what a disappointing top three this is turning out to be. A final two of Xavier and Kyland would have been epic. A few days ago, Xavier and Kyland were in my opinion the two people who most deserved to be in the finale. I understand that Kyland was blindsided, but his reaction, and the way he talked to Xavier about Xavier's nephew, was uncalled for. That was probably the most uncomfortable eviction I have ever seen on Big Brother. I was afraid they were going to have to call security to break up Kyland and Xavier.

When it comes to Big D, unfortunately I have lost any respect I had for him. The way he treated Azah was also uncalled for. Big D has carried Azah through this whole game, really? I'm sorry, but honestly, neither Big D or Azah deserve to be in the final two. Xavier pulled off a great Survivor blindside, and he will go to the final two with a contestant who does not deserve to be there, which will likely guarantee his win. As long as there is not a nightmare scenario, where Big D and Azah end up as the final two. Please no. It will be embarrassing to see either one plead their case to the jury that they should win this season.

I understand that there had to be drama, and that's why we saw Big D struggle with his decision. But his comments made him look so bad. I wish X had taken Big D's power away, and let Azah make the big move. Azah had nothing to lose at that point.

So now who is my vote for favorite houseguest? Little D I guess. I'm so disappointed by Big D and Azah. And Kyland.


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