Friday, September 17, 2021

Big Brother - My Thoughts on the Cookout alliance

First of all, this post won't be too spoilery, because I am still three episodes behind. But I wanted to say something about the Cookout Alliance. And what I want to say is, congratulations to the Cookout! They have made history by having the final six contestants all be persons of color.

I know the Cookout is controversial. Why does the game have to be about race this year? The thing is, there would be no need for the cookout if Big Brother did not have a lack of diversity in the seasons, and when there were minority members in a season, they were usually picked off early in the game. That is why the Cookout was created, and I for one am very glad that it was successful. See a need. Be the change.

I give a lot of credit to the success of the cookout to players like Aza and Xavier, who had to sacrifice their personal games in order to keep the cookouts safe. I am relieved that the Cookout survived considering how much Tiffany try to destroy it with her selfish game play.

So who should win and who do I want to win? I think Xavier should win, and I would be very happy but that outcome. I hope that either Aza or Big D win favorite houseguest. Based on challenges and gameplay, I do not think either of them deserve to win, but I would love to see them win favorite houseguest. They have been so great to watch this season, funny and caring and dedicated to the Cookout.


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