Friday, September 10, 2021

Not Being Ok

There is a certain peace that comes with being able to admit that you're not okay and having the bravery to share that with others.

The struggle to be okay is often the problem and not the solution.

Just admit it.
To yourself and others.
Make peace with your situation.

It really can help you feel better.

And it will remind you that you won't always feel this way.

Life does get better.

And remember that self-care strategies really can help.

Drink some water.
Eat some protein.
Take a shower.
Get out in nature.
Get lost in an activity.
Find your purpose.
Connect with someone.

The people who care about you will understand. 
You might find that someone you care about is struggling too.
Helping them will help you.

No one is okay all the time.
Everyone goes through something.
And then they get better.
You will too.


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