Luckily I don't feel like I get annoyed a lot, but that may be changing as I get older. But there are at least three pet peeves that I can think of, and I'm sure I've mentioned them before:
1) People taking up more than one seat on a bus
This is a big one for me. When you purchase a seat on a bus like Megabus or Greyhound, that is exactly what you are buying: ONE seat. You are reserving ONE space, ONE seat, not two. ONE ticket does not mean that you have the right to board the bus, plop down in a seat, and put your bags on the seat next to you. It does not give you the right to sigh or pout or scowl or look put out when someone asks if the seat next to you is occupied. That person should not have to stand there and wait and hold up other people trying to board the bus while you gather your belongings and put them where they belonged in the first place - under your seat, or in an overhead compartment if available. It galls me especially when bus personnel explicitly say that the bus is sold out and no one should be putting their belongings on the seat next to them, and people do it anyway! Then they have to take the time to walk down the aisles of the bus and remind each person that's breaking the rules. I even saw a woman one time that just refused to move her stuff. She was on her phone (or pretending to be) and the other passenger was standing there, waiting for her to remove her belongings. She never did. The other person had to find another seat. The woman was able to keep the two seats to herself. I wanted to march over there and throw her stuff out the window. Or rat her out to the bus driver. But I didn't. I understand that it's more comfortable to have seats to yourself. More personal space, ability to have easier access to your possessions - I get it. But it's not fair to have people who board after you have to grovel for the seat next to you. If having two seats to yourself is that important to you, then buy two tickets. I have seen people do that.
2) The comparison game
I think comparing yourself and your life to others is so harmful. It really is. It can damage your self-esteem, make you feel less than, question yourself and your abilities, and keep you from living your best life. Do what makes you happy, live the life you want to live, don't listen to other people's judgements and pronouncements. People can think whatever they want to, and they are going to. Don't listen. Don't let what they say influence you. BE YOU. DO YOU. Don't let life pass you by because you're worried about what others will think about your decisions, your dreams, your ambitions. Define success on your own terms, and create that success. Be happy for others, but not at the expense of your own joy. Distance yourself from the people in your life that play the competition game. That can be difficult, but ultimately you'll be glad you did.
3) Not acknowledging a gift
I know that the art of writing a thank you note is mostly dead. I get that. I'm not wanting or expecting lavish praise because I bought someone a gift. I'm simply asking for an acknowledgement so I know they received it. I'm talking about when I send a gift through the mail or by e-mail. I'm not referring to an in-person gift. I just want to know that they got it, that it wasn't lost in the mail or sitting in someone's spam folder. That's it. Just let me know you received it. The end.
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