Friday, November 10, 2023

Big Brother Season 25 Finale - My Thoughts - SPOILERS!!


Congratulations Jag!!

Such a fun season - thank you houseguests! I had been in a television slump, and Big Brother brought me out of that. 

It was a terrific ending to a very entertaining season. It was down to a tie breaker for the final HOH, with Jag squeaking past Matt for the win. 

I am SO happy that Jag chose Matt to be in the finale two. 

Minute Men forever!

In my opinion, Jag made a better case for himself to win. Matt spoke of his game in terms of a partnership with Jag. Jag emphasized his individuality, the big plays he made to systematically evict his fellow contestants. 

Some people might argue that Jag was too forceful. But I think he felt he had to do that because he knew Matt is so well-liked. After Jag evicted Bowie Jane, he said to Matt, "You're about to win." I think it was important to Jag to stay loyal to Matt, but he also was still going to do everything he could to win. You don't spend 100 days in the Big Brother house and then give up during the interrogation. You fight for the win. That is exactly what Jag did. When he said to the jury, "Your blood is all over me" - he was right. He instigated every jury member elimination. Matt and Bowie Jane were in the mafia with him, but he was the leader.   

I WAS disappointed that Matt didn't win Favorite Houseguest, but I wasn't mad that Cameron did. Cam is an excellent player, and he was a big part of why the season was so fun. I hope he and Red were able to hug it out and rekindle their bromance. 

The reveal of Cirie and Jared's relationship was hilarious! 

Kudos to Big Brother for such a diverse cast, in terms of age as well as race, ethnicity and culture. 

Congratuations to Matt for being the first Deaf contestant, and Jag for being the first Sikh contestant. 

Thank you Big Brother!!


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