I just watched a highly informative webinar about brain health.
Here are my notes:
Brain Health
February 15, 2022
Brain training
Dental hygiene
Stress management
Brain training
If you don’t lose it you will lose it
You can learn new things
Brain is like a muscle
Brain needs to be challenged and stimulated
Brain games – Brain HQ or Luminosity
Learn a new language
Learn an instrument
Use your opposite hand for tasks
Second most important thing we can do for our brains
Weight training
Skills based (brain training)
Do what you enjoy and what you will stick with
Do it consistently every day
Exercise snacking – little bits throughout the day
Take exercise breaks throughout the day
Get up and move
Diet – number one for brain health
Sugar is #1 contributor to cognitive decline
Alzheimer’s disease = diabetes type III
Sugar is hidden in many foods
Start to read labels and know different names for sugar
Low fat = high sugar
What is one way you can start to reduce the sugar you consume?
Baby steps
Sugar can be very addictive
Dental hygiene
Direct link from mouth to brain
Mercury fillings
Gingivalis can lead to
Pancreatic cancer
Kidney disease
Heart disease
What can you do
Brush at least twice a day – wait at least 30 mintues
Get regular cleanings
Reduce sugar intake
Stress management
Increased cortisol can lead to decreased memory
Stress promotes inflammation
Important to find every day to relax
If you don’t make time for wellness, you must make time for illness
What can you do
Go for a walk
Get creative (crafts, scrapbook, paint, draw, dance)
Get a good night’s sleep
Ask for help
Breathing exercises to reduce stress
Where the magic happens
How do you feel when you are sleep deprived, and how does it affect your actions
Sleep affects your hormones and your brain
Many factors affect sleep
How to get a good night’s sleep
Get into a routine
Reduce screen time before bed
Meditate, exercise or read before bed
Get exposure to outdoor light during the day
Don’t eat three hours before bed
Get a sleep study done if strategies aren’t working
Try and adjust one thing at a time
Numerous ones on the market
How to know what to choose?
Get your levels checked
Supplement based on your personalized levels
Make sure you are purchasing from quality vendors
Do your own research – look for peer reviewed, quality studies
Steps to take now
Find a new activity to challenge your brain
Perform exercise snacking during the day
Look at one way to reduce your sugar consumption
Pick one way to improve your dental health
Find at least five minutes per day to de-stress
Implement one tactic to improve your sleep
Get your blood work done
Examples of skills-based training
Tai chi
Martial arts
Coordination of body and brain
How to find the time
Wake up five minutes earlier
Take just a few minutes to meditate or exercise
Look for healthier recipes
What about prevagen?
No good studies that it’s beneficial for cognitive function
What about turmeric?
It’s excellent
Best way to use the spice in food but you can also take a supplement
Can the symptoms of Alzheimer’s be reversed?
Best thing is to prevent it
But could be reversed in early stages
What about Omega 3?
Need to balance omega 3 and omega 6
We don’t get enough omega 3 and we get too much omega 6
Omega 3 are good for brain health
Concern with hereditary Alzheimer’s
Having a family history doesn’t mean you will develop it
Implementing these strategies can help even if you have a family history