Monday, December 13, 2021

Week of Gratitude Day One

I am participating in a week long gratitude challenge.

This is day one.

I am grateful for my appetite. Most people have no trouble eating. But I lost my appetite a few months ago, and it was a very difficult time. I have lost my appetite before,  but this time was worse than ever. Not only did I have no desire to eat, no hunger most of the time, but the act of eating was such a chore. I didn't even want my favorite foods. It would take me literally hours to eat a meal. A bite of food would expand and spread in my mouth, and I'd have to drink something to get it to go down. Dry foods were the worst. The easiest foods for me to eat were ones that I didn't have to chew: yogurt,  mashed potatoes,  applesauce,  and hot cereal.

I am underweight, so worrying about my nonexistent appetite only made it more difficult for me to eat. It was a vicious cycle, and a dark time in my life.

So I am very grateful that my appetite is mostly back. I have physical hunger, food tastes good again, and I look forward to eating. Dear friends gave me an Instant Pot, and I am excited to try recipes. The first thing I cooked was American goulash, one of my favorite comfort foods. I am a big fan of leftovers, and making enough food to freeze some of it. I have been savoring my goulash leftovers for nearly a week. So delicious!

Weight can be a struggle. Some people need to lose. Some people need to gain. I'm trying not to focus on my weight. I'm simply grateful to have my appetite back.


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