Wednesday, July 03, 2019

"Be on Time Chronicles" 7/3/19

Over the years of riding Metro Access, I have fellow passengers that I journey with frequently. Some people I see every week; then I don't see them for months at a time.

This morning I rode with Maria (not her real name). Maria is one of those frequent / infrequent fellow riders. For awhile we were riding together every Wednesday. Then I didn't see her for a few months.

We rode together this morning. And she had big news to share. She is moving to Illinois at the end of the month. I saw a "for sale" sign in front of her house when we pulled up.

Maria is blind and has an intellectual disability. Trips with her are never dull. She asks questions at a rapid fire pace that run the gamut of topics. Amid the questions she will give you a glimpse into her life. I know a few facts about her. Her family is from Illinois. Her mother died a number of years ago. She lived with her father until he passed away about two years ago. Now she lives with her brother. She has another brother who lives in another state. The second brother got married a few months ago.

Here is a typical "conversation" with Maria. She likes to ask questions, but she doesn't always like to answer them. She also enjoys interjecting some exclamations and Spanish into the "conversations."

"Do you like the Hallmark channel?"
"Do you like ravioli? How do you cook ravioli?"
"My mom died."
"Do you like Valentine's Day?"
"There's snow sometimes in Illinois."
"What year were you born?"
"Do you like mosquitoes?"
"Como estas?"
"I have a fan in my room."
"Do you like tamales?"
"I love you."

And the questions keep coming. Sometimes she'll pause in the stream to mutter to herself. If we stop to pick up or drop off other people, she will get antsy.

"Are we going yet?"
"Are we ready to leave?"
"Have to wait, not ready to go yet."

Today I asked her about her impending move, and she responded. We had an actual conversation. I told her she will be missed at the day programs she attends.

I will miss talking to Maria.
I hope she likes living in Illinois.


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