I'm late as usual - the finale aired more than a week ago. Overall, I was pleased with the result. Not super happy, but reasonably so. I would have been more excited if Christian had won. But once Christian was voted out, I put my hopes on Nick. And he had a great run at the end, winning the final four immunity challenges. I also thought he made the best case for a win in the final tribal council.
The final three was close to my dream final three. My dream team would have been Christian, Nick, and either Mike or John. Mike was a worthy contender; he played a good social game, although he got too cocky at the end. I DID NOT want Angelina in the final three, although I understand why Nick chose her to sit next him. You take the players that you think you can beat, and it was pretty obvious that both Nick and Mike could beat Angelina. I'm glad she didn't get any votes; she didn't deserve any. I am all for strong women; I am not for petty, vindictive women. What she did to Allison with the fake immunity idol was ridiculous. I also liked the fact that someone in the jury called Angelina out for multiple mentions of her "selfless" act of securing more rice for the tribe.
Overall it was a very good season. I enjoyed the "David vs Goliath" theme, and I am very happy that a "David" prevailed, although there were a few Goliath members that I liked too.
Looking forward to next season, I am super excited: My second favorite player in Survivor history, David Wright, is returning! People know what a strong player he became, so they may be gunning for him from the get-go, but I'm hoping he can make it far, and maybe even win this time!
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