Saturday, December 29, 2018

Not New Year's Resolutions

I don't make New Year's Resolutions.
But I do have goals every year.
I don't call them resolutions because resolutions usually get broken.
These are things I want to do to live a healthy, productive, happy life.

So here are my goals, in no particular order.
Most of them are continued goals from this year, and previous years.

1) continue to develop and nurture social relationships
2) try to eat healthy
3) related to #2: pack a lunch on workdays
4) even though I have a slew of television shows in the spring, I want to make more time to read
5) related to #4: read at least 24 books in the new year (a usual goal)
6) write at least 100 blog posts in the new year (another usual goal)
7) make time to exercise
8) save money
9) be motivated, focused, and grateful

These are pretty much the goals I had for 2018 as well. I feel I was successful with most, but not all of them.
There is always room for improvement.


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