Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Dancing with the Stars Most Memorable Year Nite part 2 recap 10/8/18

7) Juan Pablo & Cheryl
Year: 1999 - moved to the States for his career
Caliente! Mama Mia! The Samba is a celebration dance, and I am celebrating this routine! Holy smokes! I can't find a thing to criticize; it was near perfection! Juan Pablo was hot, sexy, smooth, passionate, confident - he was awesome dancing with Cheryl and by himself. Samba rolls are SO difficult, but he made them look effortless. And did I mention he's smokin hot? Fantastic!!
Len: standing ovation!
Bruno: "I'm still basking in the afterglow (me too!) One of the best Sambas in the history of the show."
Carrie Ann: "You are the son of Emmitt Smith, Gille Marini, and Mario Lopez"
Scores: 10, 10, 10
My score: 10!

8) John & Emma
Year: 2016 - flood and girlfriend and mother died
Song: "Smile"
I appreciated the emotion in this routine. John is not the best dancer this season, but he puts his heart and soul into every routine, and he tries his best. He and Emma are so sweet together. His frame could have been better, but the dance was tender and had a nice fluidity.
Bruno: "charming and heartfelt, very moving, caring touch - be careful in hold"
Carrie Ann: "beautiful expression - work on posture"
Len: "I like the sentiment and elegance - but need to polish, refine"
Scores: 7, 7, 7
My score: 7

9) Bobby & Sharna
Year: 1998 - graduated high school
This choreography fit Bobby's personality, very well. He didn't have to conform or fit the mold of a dance style this week. He could be wacky and frenetic and energetic - but there were also lovely moments of softness, gentleness, contemplation. This was a successful dance for him, and he was emotional when it was over.
Carrie Ann: "real moments of authentic magic"
Len: "your best dance"
Bruno: "honest, real, fantastic dance, storytelling"
Scores: 8, 7, 8
My score: 8

10) Tenashe & Brandon
Year: 2014 - album
Hip action - check!
Sultriness - check!
Chemistry - check!
But they didn't overdo anything. It was all very balanced. This was a picture perfect Rumba. They looked like a professional dance team. Stunning.
Len: "your best dance"
Bruno: "She knows how to work it - sensuous but elegant"
Carrie Ann: "You are unstoppable"
Scores: 9, 9, 9
My score: 9 (almost a 10)

11: DeMarcus & Lindsay
Argentine Tango
Year: 2016 - Superbowl and family
W-O-W!! Those lifts were amazeballs! Such power. Such strength. Such concentration. So ridiculously difficult. And his partnering skills are incredible. I was able to just gape and marvel at the incredible-ness without worrying about Lindsay. There was passion and intensity and some good gancho kicks. And have I mentioned the lifts? Seriously out of this world lifts. I am mega impressed!
Thrilling routine! DeMarcus is the man!!
Bruno: "DeMarcus the Titan! Almost superhuman - mind blowing"
Carrie Ann: "almost a Paso - intensity, power, passion - blew me away"
Len: "lifts were great - great dancing"
Scores: 9, 8, 9
My score: 9 (almost a 10)

In jeopardy:
Nancy & Val
Tenashe & Brandon
WTF?!?!?! Tenashe & Brandon are in the bottom? Nancy & Val don't belong there either. But as I have said repeatedly, DWTS is a popularity contest, NOT a dance competition.
Tenashe & Brandon are likely in jeopardy for a few reasons:
1) They are not as well known.
2) Brandon is a new professional.
3) She's so good people think they don't need to vote for her.
4) She's so good people believe she shouldn't be on the show.
5) People are jealous of her because she is beautiful and talented.

Nancy & Val were eliminated. :(


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