Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Word of the Day: Festive

First, an update on motivation from yesterday:

1) I made the chili.
2) I worked on cleaning out the closet, but I didn't finish the project (it's a big one).
3) I read an audio book while I waited for my afternoon ride (nearly 30 minutes) and on the way home (about 45 minutes).
4) I took my medicines for the day.
5) I got my clothes and food ready for today early and didn't wait until closer to bedtime, when I'm tired and sometimes feeling rushed.

And now on to today:

Happy Hanukkah everybody!  

Tonight begins the eight night Festival of Lights. 
My menorah and candles are ready at home. 
I am attaching a picture of my small display at work. 

I am excited to give gifts to my family and friends this season. 
It's going to be fun! 

I hope everyone is feeling the holiday spirit this year. 


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