During the past few days as I've battled a virus and bad cough, I've tried to live in the moment and be mindful. Instead of being frustrated and upset and scared, as I usually am when dealing with a cough, I have endeavored to stay positive and remember, "This too shall pass." I want to focus on the good instead of the bad:
I have medicine and cough drops to combat the symptoms.
I have hot tea with honey to soothe my throat.
I have a cozy bed with plenty of warm blankets.
I still have the ability to cough, even though its difficult.
I have so far avoided pneumonia.
I have sick leave at work, and understanding supervisors.
I use a machine to aid my respiratory muscles and help me feel rested even when the nights are rough.
I have a roof over my head and shelter from the cold and rain.
Being sick is tough. It's a natural reaction to get depressed and feel like you're never going to get well. But I will. And a resilient attitude can help.
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