Wednesday, October 28, 2015


The seventh prompt of the thirty day writing challenge.

I don't have any tattoos. I'm not a fan of tattoos. I think one or two small ones are okay, but I don't understand the desire to be covered in them. For some people I think the need for tattoos borders on an addiction.

I'm not a fan of needles or pain or having something at least semi-permanent etched into my skin, so I don't see myself ever getting one. But if I did, I have a few ideas on what I would get. A small butterfly, maybe on an ankle or the inside of my wrist. And there are a few words I would consider; words that have meaning to me:

1) courage
2) harmony
3) bug (One of my nicknames, which is funny, because I'm scared of bugs)
4) teeny (Another of my nicknames)


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