Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Five Problems with Social Media

I'm attempting a 30 day writing challenge that I found on Facebook. There is a topic for every day. Will I actually be able to blog every day for 30 days? I doubt it. But I am giving it a shot. Here is day #1!

As much as I enjoy social media, especially Facebook, there are definitely some aspects that I do not care for. I may even be able to come up with more than five dislikes:

1) Oversharing
Adults overshare about themselves constantly on Facebook, which is annoying, but I find it especially troubling when parents overshare about their children. They have to realize that their children will one day be on Facebook, or they already on Facebook, as are their friends, and their friend's parents. Parents need to take their children's feelings into consideration when they post personal stuff. Maybe they are venting because their children are frustrating them, or maybe they think what they are posting is cute and funny and want people to laugh with them. But the children may not be laughing. I wouldn't want my mom to post embarrassing stories about me on social media. Parents need to think of their children and their emotional needs ahead of their own need for support or enjoyment.

2) Vaguebooking
Vaguebooking drives me crazy! You know, when someone posts something like, "What a terrible situation I'm in" or "He knows what he did" or something vague. Posting these kinds of updates are cries for attention. The person wants you to reply and say, "What's wrong?" "Tell me what happened." "Are you okay?" And then there are some people who will then respond with, "Call me and I'll tell you." That's when I want to throw my phone across the room. I'm sorry, but I think that is so rude. You're announcing a mystery and then limiting who can find out the plot. Either tell people what's going on, or don't post in the first place. Stop playing games to get attention. I also have aquaintances who post worrisome messages like, "This was the last straw," or "I can't do this anymore," and then when people express concern and offer assistance, they will respond with, "Oh, I'm okay." If you're okay, why are you posting something that sounds like you're about to attempt suicide? Again, attention seeking.

3) Asking for prayers
I know I probably sound callous and terrible, but I am not the type of person who would ask people to pray for me. Again, I see this as attention seeking behavior. Sometimes for me in depends on the request. If someone is battling cancer, and they are about to go through a round of chemo, I can understand asking for support and prayers for as easy a process as possible. When people are constantly asking for prayers, and for everything from taking a test to getting a washing machine fixed, the whole prayer thing gets on my nerves. It probably wouldn't if I believed in the power of prayer, but unfortunately, I don't. I oversharing now? :)

4) Go Fund Me accounts
I think Go Fund Me accounts can be helpful, and I'm okay with them for important matters like raising money for medical treatments, or assistance for a family displaced by a house fire, etc. But a Go Fund Me account so someone can take a trip to Disney Land? Or because a child wants an i-pad? No.

5) Controversial images
I don't visit Facebook to see images of sick, injured individuals or animals. I don't want to see that kind of stuff. I don't understand why people feel the need to post these images. I have flagged a few images that I felt were highly inappropriate - animals that had been run over, aborted fetuses, people shot and covered in blood. There is no need for these images on social media in my opinion. And then when people post these images and say, "If you believe in G-d, type 'Amen,'" - ugh!

I could go on. I have more to say on the evils of social media. Stalkers. Cyberbullying. Arguments/flame wars. But I think this post is becoming overwhelming negative. So I'll stop here. There is much I like about Facebook and social media. Keeping up with the happenings of family and friends. Enjoying pictures of beautiful sunsets, vacations, graduations, weddings, babies growing up. I like the animal videos, the funny memes, the meaningful quotes I come across, the social organizations that I learn about. There are many positive reasons to spend time on social media. Like with anything else, you have to take the good with the bad. 


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