Thursday, October 29, 2015

Survivor Second Chances 10/28

UGH! I got to keep Spencer, but I lost Woo in the process. Why is it that evil women are having control over the men that I admire in this competition? First Abbi was the puppetmaster of Woo's fate, then Kas determined the destiny of Spencer. Just when I had some hope that maybe Jeremy would be able to protect Spencer, then Jeff had to switch up the tribes again. Now Spencer has to deal with BOTH Abbi and Kas. Sigh.

This episode was fishy to me. Why did Kas end up keeping Spencer? All she could talk about was getting him out. Why did she go with voting out Woo? And in the immunity challenge, why on earth did that tribe send Kas up a second time to eat the Cambodian delicacies? She proved in the first round that she couldn't handle the gross food, so why did they pick her to go again? Why didn't they choose Spencer, who DID get the stuff down the first time around. Woo went twice, and won in both of his rounds. Spencer could have achieved that success as well, if given the opportunity. Kas lost the challenge for her team, but she was still in the driver's seat when it came to who went home.

I'm shaking my head.


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