Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dancing with the Stars Semi-Finals

I am SOOOO thrilled that Riker and Allison made it to the finals! And to be perfectly honest, I am surprised. I was prepared for them to get cut last night. I had to be. They had already been in or near the bottom more than once.

In my opinion, the top four should have been Rumer, Riker, Nastia, and Willow. That would have been an outstanding final four. I think Noah is an inspiration, but he does not belong in the Dancing finals. Amy Purdy deserved to be in the finals. J.R. Martinez deserved to be in the finals. Noah does not have the dance abilities that Amy and J.R. have. But as I have said time and time again, Dancing with the Stars is NOT a dance competition. It is a popularity contest. And that is why Nastia went home. She did not connect with the audience on a personality level. And because of that, no matter how amazing her dancing was, the audience was not inspired to vote for her.

I will be very happy if either Rumer or Riker wins. I truly adore both of them. Riker is SO cute, and I love his energy and how hard he has worked this season to improve his technique. But I have also loved watching Rumer blossom this season, and the chemistry she has with Val is mesmerizing. As in seasons past, who takes the mirrorball trophy may be decided on the strength of the freestyle routine. All three contestants have shown that they can execute exciting lifts and tricks, and often that ability is what makes a successful freestyle.

I'll be watching - and most likely voting! :)

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