For several reasons, eating in a restaurant is not usually the pleasurable experience that it is for most people. I was teased by family members when I was growing up for how slowly I eat. I'm not comfortable eating in front of people. I have some trouble chewing and swallowing. I am often in pain in my neck and shoulders when I sit, and I get dizziness/vertigo spells, which can contribute to anxiety. And I'm also neurotic and worry too much about possible food poisoning. So for all these reasons, I usually tolerate eating out more than I enjoy it. I tend to order an appetizer, or I order a regular meal and take part of it home. I also share a meal with someone sometimes.
I also am not an adventurous eater. I grew up eating mainly American, Tex-Mex, or Italian food. I rarely had the opportunity to try ethnic food, and the few times that I did go to an ethnic restaurant as a young adult, I was nervous about trying anything new. I have always been reticent to try new food. My roommate has attempted to break me of my bad habit of saying, "Oh, I don't like that," when in actuality I have never sampled it. He has managed to get me to try a few things, but unfortunately I haven't liked most of the foods I've tried. Beets and brussel sprouts are two examples. *shudder* But at least I tried them.
Lately, however, I have improved significantly in this area of my life. I can't explain the change; it seemed to happen overnight. All of a sudden I want to go to new restaurants, especially ethnic ones. Maybe its a bucket list kind of thing. And wanting to break out of a rut. I'm excited for this change. It feels good to actually WANT to go to a restaurant. And its been so much fun to sample different food and discover things that I like.
I had already had some Indian and Middle Eastern food within the last few years. During the last two weeks, I've been to TWO Ethiopian restaurants, and a new Middle Eastern place. Wait, what? Ethiopian food? Seriously? Me? The girl who doesn't try new things?
Even more exciting than the fact that I actually went to these restaurants, at both Ethiopian establishments I at least tasted everything that we ordered. I didn't refuse anything. I am very sensitive to spicy food, so I wavered a bit at the foods that my roommate said were spicy, but he said just try a small bite. So I did. At one place in particular we were able to sample every vegetarian item on the menu, because we each were able to order one main dish and three sides. At the Ethiopian restaurants, the food is all served on one big platter, so it was easy for us to share. My roommate and the friend we went with to both places are vegetarians, so I didn't try any of the meat dishes. Not yet anyway. So there was the girl who doesn't try new things sampling foods like collard greens, cabbage, and spicy red lentils. The lentils were too spicy for me, and the cabbage was just okay, but I liked the collard greens quite a bit. My favorite dish at one restaurant was a stew made with potatoes, carrots, and peas. And at the other place I really liked the savory pastries stuffed with either lentils or spinach.
At the new Middle Eastern place, I was less adventurous, sticking to foods that I know I like - hummus (which took me awhile to have a taste for), coriander potatoes, and fried cauliflower. But I did try the falafel that my roommate ordered, and I liked it. At least I still tried a new place. And I'm eager to go back there and try new foods.
Yesterday I saw that there is an Indian food restaurant very close to our apartment. I texted my roommate, and told him I wanted to go there. I've looked at the menu, and already decided which dish I want to try first. They have a buffet, so maybe I'll do that so I can sample more foods.
My roommate is proud of me, and I am proud of myself. New food is fun. Going out to eat is finally a positive experience.
I am still a little wary of some ethnic food, like Asian, especially Thai for some reason. I don't know why. But I'm going to work on that.
Life is an adventure. Get out and live it.
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