Thursday, September 05, 2013

Big Brother Season 15 9-5-13

Wow...a busy night of BB!!

But first, I have to go back to last week for a second. Aaryn....please do not insinuate that you speak for an entire state. Texas might still be a red state, but not all of its inhabitants are racist and homophobic. Your wide-eyed, innocent, "Southerners say those things" bullshit was both laughable and hugely insulting. Hope you have fun looking for a new job.

And now on to tonight. Thank goodness Amanda is finally gone! But what was with Elissa trying to save her at the last minute? What a terrible move on her part. All of her effort went for naught, as Andy flipped yet again, which forced GinaMarie to break the tie. Amanda absolutely tormented Elissa, but somehow Elissa thought that aligning herself with the power couple of the house would get her farther in the game? *shakes head*

Of the people left, I'm definitely rooting for Judd. He's a good guy that hasn't tried to hurt anyone. GinaMarie is a bully. Andy is a tattletale. Spencer is anti-Semitic. I think McCrae is actually a good guy as well, and I wouldn't mind if he won, except knowing that the money would really go to Amanda.

Go Judd!


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