Thursday, August 29, 2013


Yesterday my oldest niece left her home for a semester abroad. She will be based in one country, but because everything is so close in Europe, she will have the opportunity to visit multiple countries during her three plus months there.

This is an outstanding opportunity for her, and I know she will make every moment count. Luckily this girl takes after her father. He is a do-er, an adventurer. He has travelled all over the world with his job: UAE, Algeria, Singapore, Shanghai, Buenos Aires, Rome, just to name a few. My niece is not infected with the worry gene that plagues her mother's side of the family. Or if she has it, she has been able to control it. Her mother has learned over the years, in large part because of her husband I think, to have more control over this. She has been able to fly with my brother-in-law to Rome and to Buenos Aires, and to go with the family to Hawaii. They also took a cruise once. She didn't love the cruise, but she did it.

Someone asked me the other day if I was jealous of my niece. Not jealous, but envious, yes. I am a history nut, and to have the opportunity to visit Europe, especially England and Ireland, would be beyond amazing. But I don't see it ever happening. Money is of course the main obstacle. Physical health is a problem as well. But even if I somehow had the money to go, and someone to help with the physical aspects of travel, would I? If I'm being honest, I would have to say no. Because the anxiety would be too overwhelming. Too many fears. Fear of flying. Fear of flying over water. Fear of terrorism. Fear of any other number of things. Fear of fear. The list would be long. The physical and mental toll would be so exhausting.

I do still have hope that one day I will be able to get more of a handle on all of this. I have to keep hoping. But in another way I am kind of resigned to it. I've always been this way, and I probably always will be. It's never going to completely go away. I'm trying to just learn to live with it. Try to relax and not let it upset me. Getting mad and frustrated only makes it worse. Be kind to myself. Undertand that it's not my fault, and I'm doing the best I can. Surround myself with people who like me for who I am and are kind to me when I'm anxious, scared, and weird about certain things.

I don't think I'm ever going to see the world in person. But I can see the world through books. On the Internet. And in the pictures and stories of my healthy, brave, strong, intelligent, talented adventurer. She will see the world, and then she will share her knowledge, her experiences, and her memories with me.


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